'Shame on you Joseph Muscat' - Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi warned that voting for Joseph Muscat was one risk too many given his track record of offering bad advice to the country.
With less than two weeks left to the 9 of March, Prime minister Lawrence Gonzi is ramping up his rhetoric against Joseph Muscat and the PL.
"Joseph Muscat is a risk. From his own words and temperament it is clear what a risk this man is. Joseph Muscat is not a new face on the political scene. He is the person who told us that joining the EU would be a big mistake. Not content with merely offering bad advice, instead of working in the countries' favour in the European parliament, he tried to scupper the money for the Sant'Antnin plant," Gonzi said.
Gonzi once again brought up the hostile reception received during the MCAST debate a few days ago, saying that the PN is the party that opened up MCAST, not closed it like the PL did.
"During the course of the debate, I looked at Joseph Muscat and thought, shame on you. After the 9 of March when those students have celebrated their graduation, are they going to find employment? On behalf of the PN, I can say yes they will find work with the Nationalist party in government," Gonzi declared to a standing ovation from the assembled crowd.
He insisted that the PN is dedicated to working towards the good of Malta.
"We are here to offer ourselves so as to be of service to the country. Five years ago we were handed the country and we improved it greatly. We have held our heads up high."
"On the 9 of March the population has to choose who to trust. Our country does not just consist of bricks and mortar. It consists of all its inhabitants. We have to choose what is going to happen to the country and all of its citizens in the coming five years."
"Joseph Muscat demonstrated his lack of knowledge by two years ago advocating for Malta to follow the Cypriot model. Shame on you Joseph Muscat," Gonzi cried out.
"In the coming two weeks we have to consider things wisely. Why should we trust out country to Joseph Muscat, who has always offered bad advice. I am sure that on the 9 of March voters will answer the call and vote for the PN."
Gonzi spoke of the positive growth projections published by the European Commission this morning.
"Once again we are one of the best performing countries out of the 17 euro-zone states. Malta is in 2nd place when it comes to economic growth. The projections are for economic growth of 1.3%, whilst other countries are faced with negative economic growth. Employment is also set to grow," Gonzi said.
The prime minister promised to continue to bolster the tourism sector, describing it as vital to the Maltese economy.
"We are declaring that €215 million will be dedicated to the tourism sector in order to assist hotels, bars, restaurants and all the other ancillary services associated with tourism to improve the service offered," he said.