Police Commissioner: ‘not prudent to comment’ over Fenech-Farrugia meeting
Police Commissioner John Rizzo says it’s not prudent for Police to comment over the investigation involving George Farrugia and statements made by Finance Minister Tonio Fenech.
Police Commissioner John Rizzo declined to comment over statements made by Finance Minister Tonio Fenech late this afternoon, even when asked whether Fenech enjoyed his permission to reveal the details of the meeting held yesterday between the two.
"Given that the police investigation is still ongoing, it is not prudent for the police to divulge information on the investigation," Rizzo told MaltaToday when asked whether he would confirm what Fenech said and whether he had given Fenech his permission to be quoted.
Fenech yesterday revealed he asked for a confrontation at the police headquarters with George Farrugia - who turned State's evidence on the allegations of kickbacks from Trafigura to an Enemalta consultant - over allegations made by Labour MPs that he had gifted the minister with a €5,000 artisanal clock upon assuming responsibility for Enemalta.
"The Commissioner of Police told me what had been recorded in the Farrugia deposition... it turns out Farrugia's sister-in-law is an amateur clockmaker who wanted to give me this token," Fenech said, confirming the gift but disputing the overstated value that Labour MP Evarist Bartolo tagged it at in a press conference.