Labour leader stands by Farrugia Sacco, Mallia’s statements
Leader Joseph Muscat says he believes in the “professionalism” of Labour candidates David Farrugia Sacco and Manuel Mallia.
Labour leader Joseph Muscat was tight-lipped when asked whether Labour candidates Manuel Malli and David Farrugia Sacco should have informed him about the Labour financial administrator's involvement in Intershore Fiduciary Services Ltd, the beneficial company of Aikon Ltd, owned by oil trader George Farrugia.
Muscat was replying to questions by the media following a visit made at the BMX Malta track in St Andrews, where he pledged a Labour government would provide the cyclists with an indoor space. The indoor track would however be developed by the BMX Malta group.
"I have nothing to add to what Mallia and Farrugia Sacco have already said on the matter," Muscat said. "I believe in their professionalism."
Muscat also called for an end to what he described as "attacks" by the Nationalist Party, and called for a return to an electoral campaign that focuses on proposals.
"I hope that the attacks being made by the Nationalist Party do not persist and instead we stick to a campaign that focuses on discussing proposals," Muscat said.
Muscat's silence on the matter comes in the wake of accusations by Finance Minister Tonio Fenech that Cordina - who has since withdrew his candidature and suspended himself from his role - of being responsible in any alleged illegal activity Aikon was involved in, because Intershore Fiduciary Services, in which Cordina is a director-shareholder, was solely responsible for the firm before 2011.
During the visit, Muscat was also asked what would be a Labour government's plan with regards to the White Rocks complex.
Muscat said it was too early for Labour to commit itself: "At this stage we cannot say whether we can commit ourselves to any negotiations, as first we have to see and re-examine the discussions that took place, and see which were the sticking points that obstructed a final agreement."
Muscat also fielded questions as to whether he knew of alleged drug cases in Labour clubs in St Julians, Marsa, Gżira and Zurrieq among other localities.
"No I don't know about such cases. But if you do know, I invite you to go to the Police Commissioner with the information," Muscat told the PN journalist.