Labour’s ‘Courage’ ad gets the Nationalist treatment
Official Labour ad vs unofficial Nationalist remake, thanks to the magic of overdubbing...
Labou... National... whaddahell is going on?
A quick-fire response from the unofficial Nationalist sock-puppets on YouTube with a remade version of Labour's 'Courage to Vote' electoral advert.
Compare the two versions here... the first one is Labour's, by the way.
And here's the 'Nationalist' one.

The usual poor state of GonziPN's campaign. Unimaginative and without any sense.

can we have a like and dislike for comments pls!

Suggested script;
Girl; Mum, If I told you before, I like Jane a lot.
Mum; I don`t want tospeak to you again, I told you liking another girl is not natural!
Girl; Mum, Kemm int, uf .... ! Mum I love her for heavens sake, what ever you say, I have made up my mind, I am leaving home to live with Jane, whether you like it or not! That`s final.
I am going up-stairs, don`t bother me again, but you will regret it.
Girl to Father; Dad, I`m fed up, I hate mum, and am leaving home, (Shouts) !!!
Father; Me too !
Girl; (Swallows tongue in amazement!)

Suggested script;
Girl; Mum, If I told you before, I like Jane a lot.
Mum; I don`t want tospeak to you again, I told you liking another girl is not natural!
Girl; Mum, Kemm int, uf .... ! Mum I love her for heavens sake, what ever you say, I have made up my mind, I am leaving home to live with Jane, whether you like oit or not! Thats final.
I am going upstairs, don`t bothe rme again, bur you will regret it.
Girl to Father; Dad, I`m fed up, I hate mum, and am leaving home, (Shouts) !!!
Father; Me too !

Where is the Alternativa, get off your fat asses, and over voice the video.!
Oh and tal-Ajkla do your worst !

Where is the Alternativa, get off your fat asses, and over voice the video.!
Oh and tal-Ajkla do your worst !

David Agius kellu x'jaqsam ma dan ir-riklam? Jekk iva haqqu proset ghax vera ikkopjat tajjeb!

And Gonzi and his followers have the courage to say that the PL is a copy of the PN? Never did a drowing man clutch at such a straw!!


Nahseb li d-Direttur huwa David Agius.

We have seen how GonziPN is a party without ideas. They simply dub, copy and paste what ever PL is doing.
We have seen Joseph shaking hands with all those who attend political activities 'taht it-tinda'. So Gonzi started doing the same.
We have seen the PL lighting the street posters. So GonziPN is doing the same.
Now we have this repeat of a youtube shot.
How can this GonziPN bereft of any ideas represent the Maltese electorate? Time to go Gonzi!

Nilghab imhatra ma A.G. li dan lispot gie ikkupjat minn ...........David Agius

Once more gonzipn have shown they cannot be original, copy, copy, copy. What would one expect with the likes of David Agius?

Priscilla Darmenia •
It seems GonziPN are out of new ideas and this is for just an election. What about new ideas to look forward as a country. God help us from GonziPN for another 5 years

I would like to spank that mom!

L-istess baqghu bhal ma ghamlu tul din il-kampajna elettorali kollha dejjem jikkupjaw il-Labour u dan ir-reklam originali tal-Labour mhux go dar wahda jew tnejn qed jigri fil-verita imma f'hafna djar, din id-darba hawn hafna u hafna zaghzagh u studenti li ghall-ewwel darba ser jivvutaw LABOUR ghax ihossu li hemm bzonn ta' bidla radikali gewwa Malta u din in-bidla il-PL immexxi minn Joseph biss jista jwettaqha. Issa n-Nazzjonalista qed jigru wara n-naghga l-mitlufa (jergu jikkuppjaw lil Labour) imma tal-Labour ilhom li grew wara taghhom 4 snin ilu u issa gabuhom lura u mhxu wehidhom gew gabu ohrajn maghhom li qatt ma holmu li jivvutaw Labour. U ghal hekk l-appogg ghal partit tal-Labour qed jikber kulljum jghidu x'jghidu u jaghmlu x'jaghmlu tal-PN issa ma jistghux ifejqu l-gerha li garbu. 11 il-gurnata ohra u titla xemx gdida fuq Malta li hija taghna l-koll.

Raphael was right! Hypocrisy personified! This attempt at ridiculing the PL's effort is another reason to believe that GonziPN has run completely out of any solid, meaningful ideas at all, whether fresh or stale.

Just goes to show that Gonzi's tribe can't even think of anything original for a satirical jab, let alone a vision for a future Malta

Just goes to show that Gonzi's tribe can't even think of anything original for a satirical jab, let alone a vision for a future Malta