PN denies ‘personal life’ allegation posted by election2013 Facebook page’s Facebook page posts claim that PN planning to ‘drag Muscat’s personal life into the mix’

The PN have denied a Facebook post by that it would ‘come out with a story’ on Muscat.
The PN have denied a Facebook post by that it would ‘come out with a story’ on Muscat.

An official statement by the Nationalist Party has given fuel to the fire of a month-long whispering campaign on Labour leader Joseph Muscat's personal life.

The PN denied being behind claims that it would "come out with a story" on Muscat's personal life - claims first made on the Facebook site of electoral website

According to its Facebook post, posted at 3pm, said: "We are hearing rumours around the water dispenser [sic] that PN are planning to come out with a story on Joseph's Muscat Personal Life in the last week of the election campaign. As we said these are only rumours so far However some more concrete details are leaking like: what the story is about.... so PN planning to drag Joseph Muscat's personal life into the mix??... is it an all time low for politics in Malta ??... who knows !, we'll just wait and see..."

In a denial, the PN said this was a fabricated story and that it was "strongly denying the allegation and disassociating itself it in the most categorical of manners. The PN does not believe this is the way of doing politics."

The website is the property of Avante Systems, an IT consultancy firm whose contact as listed on the site is business development manager James Catania.

Attempts to contact Catania - who at some point campaigned for the pro-divorce referendum - on his cellular phone proved futile.

Niskanta kemm hawn nies jilghabuha tal-vergni. Forsi dawn l-istess nies li kienu jghajru lil George Borg Olivier "BARRI" fil-meetings tal-Lejber u jkantaw " le,le,le, Gorg il-Barri ma rriduhx, assasin tal-Maltin.?
I would not put a smear campaign outside the dirty mind set of the GonziPN. They have had plenty of practice. All you need do is focus on their most vile b(l)ogger, and the outright libellous insinuations, allegations and accusations that come out of that foul mouthed bog.
If i were the PN , i would be very careful in this kind of situation . It could turn out to be a very big minefield for them !!!!! As the saying goes takes two to tango !!!!!
Kemm hasbuna cwiec GonziPN? Iridu icapsu lil Joseph u lil Toni bil-blokka silg! Lil Toni u Joseph nahlef fuqhom u huma family men u m'ghadnhomx il-hdura li hierga minn fuq net!......ahjar jaraw kemm hemm ministri u kandidati li bhal ma qal Franco Debono jisnifjaw!
kif tilef ruhu dan in nies ta gonzipn kulhadd ixerred qlajjit fuq ilproxmu tighaw sewwa nighd jiena insara kattolici tan nejk
Expect the unexpected from GONZIPN and from ALL their bloggers. Since GONZIPN have washed their hands !will ALL their bloggers wash theirs as well? We just have to wait and see. Whatever the outcome, every Maltese knows by now that the PN always drag people in mier at the last minute without giving a chance for a reply. 'Shame on you PN'
The PN does not believe this is the way of doing politics." hehe ask EFA, listen and watch all pn speakers , on all tv radio programs, they merely speak on the electoral programs issues, they stear the conversation to personal terms on PL candidates and personel to be honest I expect another issue this last week remaining, not from hear say, but because this has always been thier tactics in the last weel , or day of any campain, lets hope for once the pn is telling the truth
Jiena wkoll smajt dan l-għajdut u anke x'jista jingħad . Dan l-għajdut min x'imkien oriġina . Min għandu moħħ biex jaħseb u mhux xi ċuċ Malti , jista jissoponi min liema naħa tista tkun ġejja xniegħa bħall din . Min jaf ftit storja fuq il-Partit Nazzjonalista ma jiskanta b'xejn , jiċħad kemm jiċħad il-PN . Il-passat hu mera sabiex wieħed ikun jista jiġġudika jekk il-PN jaslux biex jagħmlu xi ħaġa bħall din .
That the PN is capable of anything under the sun to save its hide in an election is common knowledge. That the PN is worried stiff and in deep panic is also very visible. So, given that the PN history has shown them capable of ANYTHING, ANYTHING UNDER THE SUN, I wouldn't be surprised if they did contemplate such a move at the last hour. THEY DID EXACTLY THAT IN ALL GENERAL ELECTIONS SINCE THEIR INCEPTION. The difference now is that the electorate can't wait to kick them out into the dustbin.
David Bongailas
And if Joseph Muscat's personal life is thrown into the mix via certain blogs ? Will the PN condemn this or keep silent as usual? Kellmuni il-gimgha id-diehla u ghiduli kellix ragun.
There is no need for rumours by GonziPN to spread on Dr Muscat: the Bidnija blogger and her tribe does it all on a daily basis and with the blessing of those who are up, very high up! Everyday she comments on hair, shoes, socks, dress code, skin, wife, kids, home, food, holidays, and friends! She bullies anyone who supports Muscat and I am sure she is the top of the tops in the present GonziPN negative campaign! Shame on those who try to play the 'politically correct' but in realty' stoke up the mongering of the notorious blogger.
The PN has washed its hands, the GonziPN MACHINE IS SOMETHING ELSE, paid and trusted assosiates are not under their control. Anyhow I would expect someting from them.
The smear campaign carried out by the PN has backfired. The more they drag personal life into it, the more they will lose votes. I have heard the rumours as well, but i have it from many that most, even level-headed PNs, detest these dirty PN tactics. many have a lost of facts about the personal life of the PN leadership's personal life, especially Simon's in Brussels. So beware, you GonziPN bloggers. Two can play at the game, and we are ready to react should something about Joseph is issued, even on UTube, on the silent day. Beware.
These rumours have been spreading on Facebook for more than a week - it isn't just coming from a particular site. They have also been spreading by word of mouth for a week or two. I really hope that they are just rumours but our electoral history is rife with dastardly attacks from a particular source.
That`s what EFA did to Alfred SANT,just before the day of reflection, which is nowadays banal. and Sant won a libel case after the election , but the election was lost and that is what will happen again.
John Mifsud
Well, by 9 March we will know if the PN is telling the truth or not. In 1927, Terinu's infamous affidavit was sworn and publicised on the first polling day (polling was over three days up to the 1971 election).
Earlier this week I heard these rumors from other places. I hope that the PN will not stoop that low. If they do, they will mean they have really lost hope. Would the greed of power force a person to destroy another person's personal life? If yes, where is their CONSCIOUS?
"The PN does not believe this is the way of doing politics." No, they just get their surrogates, i.e. bloggers, to do it for them.