Vote Labour and ‘you’ll be in trouble’ – Zammit Dimech

Foreign affairs minister Francis Zammit Dimech says Labour’s “I’m in” slogan should be replaced by “I’m in trouble” if no jobs are created by Labour.

Francis Zammit Dimech together with Clyde Puli, Paula Mifsud Bonnici and Charlo Bonnici.
Francis Zammit Dimech together with Clyde Puli, Paula Mifsud Bonnici and Charlo Bonnici.

Labour has never been so well prepared for an electoral campaign, but it has also never been so unprepared to govern, foreign affairs minister Francis Zammit Dimech said.

Speaking during another PN press conference on education and job creation, Zammit Dimech said "Labour could be marketing itself as cool and trendy, however there is a massive difference between marketing ploys and governing the country. The PN has clearly stated that it stands for job creation, however with only one week to go to polling day, Labour has not pronounced itself on how many jobs it will create if elected to office."

The Nationalist MP added that if Labour fails to create enough jobs, young people would swap the Opposition's "I'm in" slogan with "I'm in trouble."

Flanked by PN candidates, Paula Mifsud Bonnici, Clyde Puli and Charlo Bonnici, the foreign affairs minister stressed the PN investment in education and its commitment to invest more in education, namely in the construction of new schools and campuses at Mcast and ITS, handing all students a tablet and expending stipends, scholarships and childcare facilities.

"Education is the main tool in preparing our young people for the jobs which will be created," Zammit Dimech said, reiterating the PN's plans to create 25,000 jobs in the next five years.

Charlo Bonnici, who alos happens to be an employee of construction magnate and former PN mayor Nazzareno Vassallo, refrained from commenting on the latter's €250,000 loan to the PN.

"I agree with what the Prime Minister said," Bonnici repeatedly said when quizzed over what the Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi described as "a commercial loan."

Last week, PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier confirmed that a €250,000 donation from PN donor Nazzareno Vassallo's construction firm was a "loan" he made to the party company Media.Link to assist its cash flow problems back in July 2012.

On his part, parliamentary secretary Clyde Puli, said that the PN administration had introduced a National Curriculum Framework and a National Plan for Youth Employment in order to "prepare young people and offer them opportunities in a number of new niches such as bio-science, pharmaceuticals and digital gaming."

He added that Labour leader Joseph Muscat's claim that up to 4,600 young people were unemployed was incorrect because the Labour Force Survey clearly states that the figure "could be underrepresented" and explained that the National Statistics Office headcount on unemployment showed that the figure is a third of what the Labour Force Survey states.

Yes Francis , you are right . If I vote Labour , you'll be in big trouble . I don't know why , but you remind me of a televison series where the protagonist was a talking donkey .
Francis,Clyde, please allow your arrongance to take you away from the mirror you are addressing and look beyond it at us lesser mortals.... if you can.
Francis, please allow your arrongance to take you away from the mirror you are addressing and look beyond it at us lesser mortals.... if you can.
We already are in trouble. The only was is up.
Mr Puli put your words rightly and see what you have done to Air Malta, Sea Malta, Drydocks, the banks , you deserve the opposition and take your filthy oil with you....Thank you
Hallina Francis you gave us the trouble yourself noone else did!! Do i have to thank you for giving me a guarantee and later telling me to better leave Air malta? You are nothing more than a hypocrit ..shame on you and your party Francis !! Leave us in peace please?
Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Zammit Dimech, we were in trouble for the last 5 years under the GonziPN so there is nothing new in being in trouble. A change is needed and if as you say we will be in trouble under the PL, another 5 years we vote you back in (if the clique is eliminated)
Of course Francis As a desciple of reconciliation you should now how many so called labourites were lenaded in trouble under your responsibilities. no problem, the clock is ticking. I just cannot wait to vote LABOUR
Dear Francis, just mention one single thing that you have done in all these years as a Minister that can be said that is good governance. Must it be you that the PN chooses to shed fear (sic) amongst the Population that Labour cannot govern? On your own admittance, Labour has never been so well prepared, not just for the campaign but to govern. This country needs strong governance which neither you nor GONZIPN were able to deliver especially these last 5 miserable years.
Fabian Psaila
Anzi regha hatru Ministru il FZD wara li Dr. Gonzi stess qal li kellu talent limitat! Hemm FZD kien in trouble meta telgha Gonzi ghax ma kienx ghamlu Ministru, ghamlu issa biex jingabar ftit!
After practically 25 years in office, this is all these silly fellows are capable of coming up with. Scaremongering galore!
Do you mean to tell me Francis that after 25 years in HELL under your Party's REGIM, if I vote Labour I would remain in HELL? Or you mean to tell me that "If I vote PN I would still be in Hell" Did you miss my door on your rounds or the only thing you could do is send some flyers. I have papers upon papers for any one of who have the Ball bearing to know on my door. Don't worry I'll invite you in and you you a drink since it is cold. Still waiting.
Do you mean to tell me Francis that after 25 years in HELL under your Party's REGIM, if I vote Labour I would remain in HELL? Or you mean to tell me that "If I vote PN I would still be in Hell" Did you miss my door on your rounds or the only thing you could do is send some flyers. I have papers upon papers for any one of who have the Ball bearing to know on my door. Don't worry I'll invite you in and you you a drink since it is cold. Still waiting.
Jiftahru tant bin-National Curriculum Framework - interessanti nkunu nafu kemm mill-membri parlamentari ta' dan il-gvern jibaghtu t-tfal taghhom fi skejjel tal-gvern - ghax jien ghandi d-dubji tieghi.
Sorry, you can,t touch the people's heart now,to late.
Dott Zammit Dimech, tahseb li nistghu nkunu f'iktar trouble milli konna dawn l-ahhar 5 snin. U le, ma jistax ikun. Int u shabek iva, tkunu fi ftit inkwiet mhux hazin, imma l-poplu le.
Coming from one of the most unsuccessful ministers of the Fenech Adami era this must be very enlightening. Not only so but he failed to be re-elected after Gonzi crushed his ego when he declared in Sliema that he was going to keep out ministers who had failed the residents when they were in charge of public works and MEPA. And he did for it was only now that he was given a ministerial portfolio because there was no else who was so desperate for office and who would therefore submit RCC. Tell me does this MP have the qualities of a Foreign Minister.
Is Clyde Puli a relative of a certain Ralph Puli who was a teacher way back in the sixties?
taf ghala tghid hekk biex tkomplu tbillu subajkom ..fiz zejt ,korruzjoni ,kuntratti .safa .parties ghal hbieb tal hbieb , taf kemm hloqtu xoghol intkom ux ..fejn hi smart city 7,000 jobs ? kisirthu lil airmalta,enemalta dejn kbir bl ikbar skandlu taghkom,bwsc kuntratti , transport dept fiasco, health sector tal misthija ..kulhadd fil kuriduri..dak mishekk tghid mr dimech ..shame on you ..