Gonzi will decide in party and country’s best interest if PN loses – Beppe Fenech Adami

Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami says PN leader’s decision will be conditioned by circumstances if PN loses 9 March election.

Beppe Fenech Adami
Beppe Fenech Adami

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi would take the decision in the PN and country's best interest if faced by electoral defeat, Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami said in reply to a question on Gonzi's announcement that he would not tender his resignation.

Citing former PN leader and his father Eddie Fenech Adami's decision to resign as party leader in the wake of the 1996 election, only to go and be re-elected Prime Ministewr two years later, Beppe Feench Adami said that Gonzi's decision hinges on what happens on 9 March.

Speaking during a press conference this afternoon, the MP said: "If the PN loses the election, the Prime Minister will either resign immediately after the election, or resign after a while, it all depends on the circumstances which we do not know yet. He will surely take the decision in the party and country's best interests."

Asked why the PN government had shelved the party financing law drafted by dissident Nationalist MP Franco Debono, Fenech Adami shifted the blame on the Opposition, saying that Labour's proposal to introduce state financing was unacceptable.

"Frankly, I just do not care what Franco Debono said on party financing, the law was never approved because Labour's simplistic solution was not adequate."

Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami pointed out the difference between the PN's ability to create new jobs and attract investment and the Labour Party's track record in government.

"Labour's short sting in government in 1996 resulted in unemployment and layoffs. Labour managed to destroy the country's economy. Six jobs were lost everyday of Labour's permanence in government between 1996 and 1998, with unemployment reaching the 10,000 mark," Fenech Adami said.

He added that a number of protagonists from the last Labour government are at the forefront of Labour's current team of candidates. These include, Marie Louise Coleiro, Karmenu Vella and Leo Brincat, Fenech Adami noted.

However, Labour's blunders are not limited to its last stay in power, the MP said, stressing Labour leader Joseph Muscat's advice to model the Maltese economy on Cyprus and noting that Spanish former Prime Minister Zapatero was Muscat's idol.

Fenech Adami explained that both countries, led by Socialist governments, ended up facing excruciating economic woes, which resulted in unprecedented levels of unemployment and both countries were bailed out by the EU.

"I have full confidence in our young people who ralise and understand that this is not the time for experiments and that the Labour Party has no plans and would land the country in an economic mess," Fenech Adami said.

Two other PN candidates, Edwin Vassallo and Claudette Buttigieg were also present at the press conference.

New PN candidate, Claudette Buttigieg, explained that a new PN government would introduce a number of measures to encourage more women to join the work force, underpinning the PN's plans to expand childcare services, allow parents to use their sick leave to tend to their children and introduce a number of measures to encourage women to take up new jobs.

Edwin Vassallo explained that during the last five years, the PN administration had created 20,300 new jobs, with significant growth registered in a number of areas including, accounting, financial services, pharmaceuticals, health services, managerial positions, services, clerical positions, gaming, IT and education

Quoting the Labour Force Survey published on 8 January, the Mosta MP said: "we have created jobs and today we have a record in jobs. Behind every job there is an individual and a family," adding that the creation of jobs with better conditions had improved the people's quality of life.

Singing his leader's praises, Vassallo said: "Lawrence Gonzi is tried and tested, he proved that in the midst of an international financial crisis, he created thousands of new jobs."

Looks like the battle that gonzi feared to happen after the election is already in motion. Who does Beppe think he is to dictate what gonzi is going to do, this smells of rebellion already in the making. I don't blame the hopefuls to the leadership gonzi did promise that if gonzipn wins the elction he will resign, never mind if it loses. It was a Fenech Adami that stuck the knife in Dr George Borg Olivier's back and as the saying goes "The apple does not fall far from the tree" or the other "A chip of the old block". Meditate gente meditate.
Priscilla Darmenia
Gonzi's main interest were always his interests and then his party's and lastly then the country's
The biggest mistake Gonzi can do is remain leader after a defeat. Beppe is already smotthing his way for leadership by contradicting what Gonzi said.
The biggest mistake Gonzi can do is remain leader after a defeat. Beppe is already smotthing his way for leadership by contradicting what Gonzi said.
Stop this crap about the 20,000 jobs created. It has never been proved statistically. NSO figures show that only 7,000 jobs were created. On a different note Beppe Fenech Adami is very negative . He preaches gloom and doom and shoots down every single issue or proposal that Labour comes out with, without distinction. I hardly find any objectivity in his arguments.
"Frankly, I just do not care what Franco Debono said on party financing..." Frankly we do not care what this relic of the past has to say either. And why is this man suddenly spokesperson for Gonzi anyway? Rumour has it that PN are in mega-panic mode, so is this a symptom? It's certainly unattractive.
Jekk jitlef l-elezzjoni Gonzi qal li LE mhux se jirrezenja. Jiena nemmnu ghax hu minghalih mibghut minn Alla biex imexxi bhal zijuh. Pero xewqtu se jaghtawielu shabu stess, ghax ittajruh huma minn kap tal-partit.
20,300 jobs now. By next Friday it will probably 50,000 Jobs. Does Gonzi's tribe REALLY think we are all that stupid and believe this crap?
Priscilla Darmenia
When Gonzi ran alone for the race as party leader, I wrote in such blog that history will repeat itself. Remember that Alfred Sant first resigned as party leader then decided to contest again and was re-elected as leader and loosing the election that followed because the majority of the population lost trust in him. Now from the many polls it shows that Gonzi lost the trust of the majority of the Maltese and I am sure that he shall loose the election on 9th March. If he really loves his party he should resign and let a new blood (outside the klikka) take over. See what Joseph Muscat managed to do. If Gonzi remains it will be the continual downfall of the PN.
Gonzi has said a definite NO. He will not resign if he loses the election. So with a PN loss it is neither here nor there what the PN wants to do with him. It is certainly not in Malta's interest to remain as a liability but if the PN wants to retain him they are more than welcome to keep him. The Country can very well do without him.
Fabian Psaila
Minn meta l'hawn? F'liema interess Gonzi baqa' jigverna , KIF IKKONFERMA Dr. Simon Busuttil , GHAL SENA SHIHA BLA MAGGGORANZA? Interess tal-pajjiz jew INTERESS TAL-PARTIT? Hemm xi dubbju x'imkien? U fuq kollox dan Beppe qatt ma cahad dak li qal Franco Debono fuqu , LI HU JIGDEB GIDEB FAHXI bhal ma missieru GIDEB fuq Dr. Alfred Sant!
Beppi Adami you do not sound to optimistic that the PN is going to win the next election? Why is that? Very true, right now the election is a toss up even though you handed out more freebies than the PL. You have exactly nine days to convince the independent voter that you are the better Party and the better leaders to run the country. I think this is an even race and no Party can claim victory yet, but please show a bit of positive thinking and don't look at it that if the PN loses the election, look at it that the PN is going to win the election. If you do not have fate in yourselves, how do you expect others to feel? This is the home stretch and it is a matter of do or die. Prove to the people that you are the better half and that you are going to win. Think positive.
What a time waster this Beppe has turned out to be. Certainly nothing like his father! Unfortunately for EFA, the apples did not fall so near the tree. Gonzi has already decided, and in his own acclamation, he categorically shouted in anger: "NO, I WILL NOT RESIGN!!"
Joseph Pellicano
daqs missirek paroli int. more of the same.
Joseph Pellicano
"Lawrence Gonzi is tried and tested, and after the 9th of march (FREEDOM DAY) he will get the booth.