‘Muscat has track-record of bad decisions’ – Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi insists that Labour leader Joseph Muscat has ‘track-record’ of bad decisions, urges first-time voters to ‘not take the chance’

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi drove home the message that the Labour Party cannot be trusted with the leadership of the country because of its numerous "bad decisions", and urged first-time voters to not "take risks with their future."

Gonzi was speaking on an interview broadcast on PN-owned station Radio 101 on Saturday morning.

During the interview, Gonzi hit out at Labour Leader Joseph Muscat over his statement during the Times' debate earlier this week where he said that he felt the closure of the dry-docks was a bad decision, insisting that this was done to end its drain of government coffers.

Gonzi also reiterated the PN's criticism of Muscat's past endorsement of the Cypriot economic model, while also dismissing Labour's proposals for the energy generation sector as "irresponsible".

He emphasised the PN administrations' track record on job creation, reiterating the 20,000 new job claim as well as the 'math' behind it:

"Over the past five years, 4,000 new graduates from learning institutions such as the University, MCAST and higher secondary. If they didn't manage to find work, they would be all outside protesting in the street. Instead they are celebrating," Gonzi said.

He also said that the PN administration was able to safeguard 5,000 new jobs in factories.

"Most of the jobs that were saved belonged to first time voters, the young people who graduated only recently and in 2009 saw their jobs hanging by a thread."

"My message to young people, and to first-time voters is this: think of your future. Don't take risks. Opt for a future based on strong employment and job creation," Gonzi said.

Gonzi also referred to figures released in the Labour Force Survey, rattling off a list of employment categories, listing the number of jobs created in each category in turn.

He said that while in the professional category, there were 6,400 new jobs over the past five years, in the officials category there were 4,400 new jobs, 3,000 new jobs in services, 2,800 new jobs in clerical work, and 3,700 new jobs in technical jobs.

"When you add them up - you find that there is a total of 20,300 new jobs," Gonzi said, grasping the opportunity to hit out at Labour by describing this as a "far cry" from the employment corps of the 1980s.

Gonzi said that Muscat is saying that we need to change direction, "but when you push on why one should risk a change in direction, there is nothing. No concrete proposals, or concrete reason why we would change, or what he would do differently."

"One should be terrified to hear him say that we made a mistake when we closed the Dry Dock," Gonzi said, insisting that his own duty as Prime Minister is first and foremost is toward the country, and said that Muscat "is making bad decisions even from the Opposition benches."

'"The luxury if being in opposition is not suffering consequences for making bad decisions. A Prime Minister doesn't have that luxury" Gonzi insisted.

"We made mistakes, and we have plenty of flaws," he admitted.

"But we were able to avoid the country this chaos. We could have lost the party its' popularity. But how much better is it to lose popularity but still saving jobs. I chose first and foremost not popularity, but how best I could protect jobs."

He noted that while there might have been some younger individuals who chose to jeer and boo him during the MCAST student debate - a sore point which Gonzi has been referring to often.

 "What is important?" Gonzi asked. "Those who booed, or the cranes outside building a new campus as part of government's investment into their education?"

"They have every right to not agree with me," Gonzi said, "but what I care about is whether they are able to graduate and whether they will have a job in the future."

Gonzi also referred to the recent European Commission report which said that Malta was expected to benefit from the second-highest rate of economic growth in the Eurozone, second only to Estonia.

Isma minn ghed jitkellem! Imma x'wicc ghandhek! Veru hawn nies li-wicchom u so**om l'istess!
Yes Prime Minister, and how is that everybody is fed up by your descions if they were so great....Ahhhhhh I remember the 620 euro weekly increment in your pocket,defintely a good descion for you!!!
If there was ever a programme on BBC that fits our PM perfectly is the humourous series of 'Yes, Prime Minister!' Our PM should tell our youth that they have to pay back the over €6bn of transparent and hazy (e.g Enemalta, Air Malta, City Gate project, etc) debt, and advise them how to do it. If anything, a change to try and minimise this debt is expected. He is giving a very bad example to our youth i.e. borrow and spend, rather than work and save. Sometime, someone, somehow has to pay the debt. There were more huge flaws than successes these past years. The reason - 'money-no-problem' attutude and corruption. Poverty has increased terribly, especially in children. Is that a mistake, a flaw or a result of mismangement and corruption?
Gonzi.........Mr. Perfection!
Muscat has made the wrong decisions on the economy, on the EU and also, if one cared to admit it, on energy provision for the future. He may not have been in power BUT he has voiced his opinions albeit very rarely..
Nahseb li kulhadd jaf bid-decizzjonijiet hziena li ttiehdu mill-Gvern li kellna dawn l ahhar 5 snin. Biss pero tajjeb li nsemmu bid-decizzjonijiet li gew posposti jew ma ttiehdux biex insolvu l problemi, li dawn allura mhux talli mhumiex hziena, imma ukoll nuqqas ta' responsabilta. eg. Nuqqas ta' medicini baqet problema sal-lum,nuqqas ta' sodod fil-Mater Dei, l-gholi tal-konijiet tad-dawl u ilma, toroq li qatt ma gew indirizzati u hafna aktar.
Muscat has made the wrong decisions on the economy, on the EU and also, if one cared to admit it, on energy provision for the future. He may not have been in power BUT he has voiced his opinions albeit very rarely..
Whenever I hear Gonzi making a plea for the people to trust him again I cannot help but remember of the Jungle Book - Trust In Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1ILPl5FQaM He is really hilarious
Whenever I hear Gonzi making a plea for the people to trust him again I cannot help but remember of the Jungle Book - Trust In Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1ILPl5FQaM He is really hilarious
Whenever I hear Gonzi making a plea for the people to trust him again I cannot help but remember of the Jungle Book - Trust In Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1ILPl5FQaM He is really hilarious
Some have a track record of bad decisions, others have a, track record of a mixture of good and bad decisions, arrogance, oligarchy and now, the biggest corruption scandal in a quarter of a century. I wonder which is worse!
Sur Laurence Gonzi ghax ma jixrqalekx li tissejjah Prim Ministru nixtieq nghamillek dawn il Mistoqsijiet ghax wiccek vera qghad ghal Kollox Min hu Kredibli Mil mexeja zgur mhux int ergajt ingbat fgidba Kbira metaint ghadt li hassejtek sorprisbliskandlu tal Commisions taz Zejt fejn ghadt blamisthija li sirt taf min fuq il Gurnal Malta Today Flannar ta din is sena imma iz zejt tela Fwic lilma ghax hem Provi Konkreti fuq lanjad u liswed li ilek taf madwar sentejn u nofs ilu ghara wiccek ma fihx Zejt u qghad ghal Kollox ilMalti jajt illi il Giddieb Ghomru Qasir ilPoplu Malti ha itikRispost wara id 9 ta Marzu ftakar illi RUH WAHDA GHANNA WENZ
Dr. Muscat has an excellent track record in the European Parliament and citizens of all European countries have been benefitted from this. Apart from that it is obvious that he has never been PM. Is Dr. Gonzi purposely reminding us of his own abysmal track record!
...and you have a track record of political deceit!
It seems Lorry's hobby lately is shooting his own foot. What was the reason to close the dockyard? IT WAS THE €79 MILLION LOSS ON THE FAIRMOUNT CONTRACT. Who was responsible for this fu**up? As usual it was GonziPN team. Why GonziPN did not tell the commissioner of police to investigate what went wrong? We want your clear answer Lorry. GonziPN cannot even run his party efficiently (debt and loans galore) let alone our country Malta. Voting PL is a must and not an option anymore.
Who took the decision to install Ali Baba and his forty thieves in the upper echolons of Ene Malta's top managemnet?
this is what one calls dark humor. there are decisions take bad for lack of knowledge or hindsight. but there are other decisions taken at the expanse of human lives and livelyhood to please the few and at no economic sense at all.
Bad decisions could have been coming from executive government; such as: governing without majority in parliamenmt for a wasted year; giving away sea malta; BWSC changing laws during tender to use very bad fuel; 500 euro per week to self without any mention during election time; 5000 million euro and more national debt; PN ministers accepting free gifts such as holiday to gran prix; on yatch to italy etc. not enough checks and balances to guard VAT scandal and oil illegal commissions
Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Gonzi, bad decisions come in all shapes and forms. For example for me you commenced your leadership on a very bad decision – that of appointing Eddie (sorry Edward) Fenech Adami as president of Malta a few days after you became prime minister. For me the role of a president is one who unites the nation. You chose a person who for the prior 25 odd years before his appointment attacked 50% of the population (the MLP at that time) continuously. How can a person like EFA attract respect of the whole nation when one day he was PN Leader and prime minister attaching the MLP and the next day he became president of Malta? I consider myself a good driver however when I once parked wrongly I got a parking ticked and had to pay a fine for my mistakes. Well your ministers were reckless drivers and you did not even give them a ticket when they were supposed to have their license revoked.
With your statments and comments you are convincing me even more that the PN strategy is weak.I advice you that during these last days to be positive or else your dawnfall is going to be massive.I am sorry that I had to say all this but I am one of those that feels that this is not the PN I know.My advice to people who feels the same like I feel is to vote PL AS IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET RID OF THE CLIQUE which managed to change our beloved PN party to this state.
Bla Bla Bla just talk. Don't you know that you lost all credibilty?
I am not a follower of Xarabank but yesterday I did an effort to watch it. I came to one conclusion that Dr. Gonzi must stay late at night trying to learn his verses by hard. So much so that mostly when he fired his replies he closed his eyes. Well, so far so good. We the people keep asking who is going to pay the 6 billion euro deficit that Dr. Gonzi never mention? Who are the cwiec, those that continue to vote the P.N., we need an answer? What is going to be different for people living in the South? Dr, Gonzi you seem so excite with projects around Sliema, Gozo, and similar places, can you advice what's up for us. You know Sir, in Zebbug the polyclinic still open as during the colonial days, Tuesday and Thursday from 8 to 10 a.m. Are we really any better? Give me one reason why I should expect things will not be more of the same?
Let me remind you who was the one who took the bad decisions. Who decided to take a 600/500 euro weekly increase while you gave me a 1.16 euro weekly increase? Who was the one who changed the law re emissions so that BWSC could be accommodated? Who was the one who voted wholeheartedly to increase our utility bills? Who was the one who sent letters before 2008 elections promising jobs security with MDD, Airmalta, Seamalta? Who was the one who promised Smart City Jobs? Shall I continue?? We have had enough, and I dare say much more than enough. Why don't you cross-examine your good conscience and say mea culpa, mea culpa, mea grandissima culpa.
And yet, Gonzi is typically believing his own fabrications. I wonder whether Gonzi is looking at the mirror to see what spate of bad decisions, budgetary miscalculations and other oversights he had under his 'expert' stewardship. He really tends to see the other way
Did Muscat generate some six billion debts? Who was the prime minister when this debt was made? Gonzi. Did Muscat vote against divorce which was eventually approved by Parliament even though GonziPN voted against it in the first and second reading and in the divorce referendum? No. Who voted against it? Gonzi: not only on these three occasions but also in the final parliamentary vote. Who voted in parliament "bil-qalb" for the rise in electricity tariffs? GonziPN even though he knew that this will bring industry on its knees and will adversely effect employment in Malta. These are only three examples. Pity that Gonzi is accusing Muscat on things that he did himself!
The MDD issue is not its closure but the way Gonzi misled the workers by pledging to guarantee their jobs when he was outright certain that he was going to terminate their employment. This is not J. Muscat's bad decision. This is stark dishonesty on Gonzi's part.
Bad decisions: are when you Dr Gonzi, paid huge sums of money to some chosen people for advise on ARRIVA reform and YOU admitted that it was a blunder Job, I ask, should those who took all this money for a total disaster reform pay back the money you paid them?
Kif tista tghajjar li JM bi track record hazin meta int ghandek track record mil aktar hazin li qatt kien hawn f dawn l ahhar snin. U dan mhux ahna qed nghiduh ta.....Franco debono,JPO u dawk kollha li resqu ma naha ta moviment gdid li rnexxielu jibni JM.Il poplu jiggudika nhar is sibt.
Joseph Pellicano
time up gonzi, you can cry me a river, but you will not get a second chance. you never deliver what you promise, thats what you told us 5 years ago you lied to us.Time for change.
Mr. Gonzi, the decision of the electorate seems to be between 2 clear choices. On the one hand the Maltese people has a new movement that has promised a fairer way of doing politics with the nation’s administration and with the possibility that this new movement might commit a few mistakes where one hopes are sincere and legitimate or vote for another 5 years for your administration that is drowning in scandals of corruption and commissions, bad management and controlled by the cabals and the oligarchs at the detriment of the tax payers of this country. If Malta is to belong to every Maltese irrelevant of his political colour, the electorate especially the new voters, the working class and all those who believe in fairness and equality, there is only one clear direction. Let the Maltese people try the untried, mend the dysfunctional and expose the disgraceful ways of government mismanagement and personal enrichment. If in future mistakes are committed and bad decisions are taken, working together diligently and without personal financial gains, mistakes and bad decisions could easily be reversed.
'Muscat has track-record of bad decisions’ – Oh yess, good one Gonz. Of course, the polluting power station, roofless theatre, bridge to nowhere, smart city, white rocks sports complax, unwanted new parliament building,etc., were all REALLY good decisions. You still think we are all stupid and don't have any memory. Say 'bye 'bye on the 9th, matey!
First of all Muscat has not been a Prime Minister in power and therefore we can only talk on those Prime Ministers who took the bad decisions which impoverished us for real: Arriva fiasco, Smart City flop, Bwsc blunder, and the top of the pops the bad decision to choose the alleged thieves who reeked millions off our oil procurement for EneMalta!...and no one resigns or is held accountable ministers and all.... and that includes you too dear Prime Minister!
You would expect that a politician criticising another politician over alleged "bad decisions" would have a portfolio of good decisions dwarfing any bad decisions. So let's examine Dr Gonzi's record - he continues to back losers and deadbeats like Dr Austin Gatt and Minister Tonio Fenech; he retained Borg Olivier as Party Secretary despite a plethora of incompetences; he weakly allowed Simon Busuttil to be his running mate when this guy has lost him even more votes; he failed to muzzle vote losers DCG and I.M. Beck; and then there is Arriva, the 500 euros weekly rise, BWSC, oil corruption scandals as well as disgraceful attempts to blacken Joe Cordino and Judge Farrugia Sacco. Good God man - who are you to criticise? ALBERT FENECH Qawra
mr gonzi ,you know who have bad records ..when you promised citizens in future jobs like samrt city, airmalta, enemalta ..and you forget them totally, you know who have bad record who promised hunters to be respected like other eu countries.you know who a bad records..who make a big disaster in transport maltaand health sector ..to leave pacients in the corridors ...to take 500 euroa a week in ur pocket....to vote vs the opinion in divorce referendum.to leave handicappeds people thrown away ...to raise cost of living,to raise high water& elec tariffs ...and then you mix a scandal in oil trades--that is the bad record mr gonzi .not joseph ...and the lies you thrown from your bad senses ---bad record on you shame on you prime minister