[LIVE] Follow the Labour mass meeting in Floriana from our live-blog

Follow our live-blog from the Labour mass meeting in Floriana at the Granaries.

Welcome to our live-blog of the Labour mass meeting at the Floriana Granaries. REFRESH here for live updates.

17:10 This live-blog ends here. Thank you for following us!

17:09 With one roar of "Malta for all", joined by thousands gathered in Floriana, Muscat ends his speech. A visibly emotional Muscat is joined on stage by his wife Michelle and deputy leaders Toni Abela and Louis Grech.

17:03 A boisterous Muscat says only six days are left for the election. "I need you to continue working. Encourage everyone to collect their vote. Not voting won't be a message of 'we want change' but it would only mean saying 'thank you' to those who exploited you for five years."

"Let us unite together for change." Like Louis Grech, Muscat says the electorate should vote for all the Labour candidates and warns them to ignore surveys and polls. "Because on 9 March it's your vote which counts and not the surveys."

Again, his attention turns towards the youths: "Encourage others to follow your choice. It's time to become protagonists. Be protagonists to unite for change. Because this is the time. Because work is for all; the change in politics is for all; patients' rights are for all; a solid pension is for all; investment in our children is for all; students' interests are for all; peace of mind for persons with disability is for all; the possibility to vote for a new chapter in our country is for all."

16:58 Firing up his crowd, Muscat pledges that his government would not take a €500 increase behind everyone's back.

16:54 Some more soundbites... "This is not the movement of envy but the movement of aspiration. We take pleasure is seeing you succeed. We will work for it. We will celebrate it."

Dedicating a good part of his speech to students - to counteract accusations made by the PN of a Labour government removing stipends and generating unemployment - Muscat says that students repeating classes at post-secondary level would still receive stipends.

Turning his attention towards the elderly, Muscat says a Labour government would pave the way to see the minimum pension increasing to 60% of the minimum wage.

16:50 A flamboyant Muscat is on the roll pledging the improvements a Labour government is set to make in health and education.

16:48 Muscat drives home the message that youths would be the priority for a new government: "The PN is saying there is no problem with 4,600 youths unemployed. But you cannot call 4,600 youths irrelevant. Every boy, every girl is relevant for us.

"Jobs will be generated through the best energy we have: our private sector, our self-employed."

He adds that the Labour movement was proud to be "pro-business... because it means supporting workers."

16:38 Joseph Muscat takes the stage: "The choice is a historical one, which discards the politics of colours and sees the birth of one united nation."

"A choice where the electorate elects a government that defends him, that helps him, that truly represents it. It is a clear choice between the past that divides and a future that unites."

In an impassionate speech, Muscat says the choice is between the tribal politics that held the country behind or a new government where it's not who you know but what you know.

"A country where you don't have to go down on your knees to take what is yours by right."

16:36 Grech said a 9 March vote for the PL would mean a vote in favour of a progressive society, that would be economically strong, mature, and a different society but not divisive.

"The first step is your vote. We are ready to implement this roadmap. We are aware of the difficulties we will face but we will make it. Because a Labour in government can truly offer a different way of doing politics.

"The moment of truth is with us. Let us not allow anyone to demoralise us or provoke us. We must keep this momentum we have started, the motivation."

16:28 Grech says the people are tired of politics past and the PL is showcasing the concerns of the people. "We are reflecting what the people want... what we are offering is not impossible. We are not reinventing the wheel."

Grech makes his case for an inclusive society. "We brought forward a campaign to give hope. We have candidates who are ready to bring a change."

16:21 Here we go, Louis Grech takes the stage.

"The future belongs to those with the ability to create their own future. Next Saturday, this country's future will be in your hands. Those who want to do away with negative politics and move towards a more developed and humane politics, on 9 March go out and vote for all the Labour candidates and give your support to Joseph and the PL. Together we can create the future for a Malta for all."

"The choice is clear: either the PN for more of the same... the same arrogance, the same inefficiency and the same promises; a party who spent a year in parliament without functioning. A party who lost the trust of his own members, who is in denial, who has hid its head in the sand."

"On the other hand, the PL wishes to see a country where power, authority, red tape and indifference are not retained at the centre of politics. You are at the heart of our policies."

16:19 Soon, Labour's deputy leader Louis Grech to address Labour's supporters. Meanwhile, the street party resumes.

15.54 A moment of cuteness: 175 kids joined the band on stage to sing A New Tomorrow, including Joseph Muscat's own twin girls.

15:20 So the Swedes are currently in full force singing Labour's campaign tune... granaries brimming with energy and excitement.

15:00 Bear with us... we have some slow Internet connection here at the Granaries.

14:42 Hello from the Floriana Granaries where a street party is currently underway with a number of Maltese musicians warming up the crowd. This is the last Sunday mass meeting for the 2013 campaign: tomorrow Labour will be in Xaghra Gozo. Thursday's location yet to be confirmed.

Meanwhile, the crowd is waiting for the main attraction of the afternoon - leader Joseph Muscat aside. A Friend in London, the Swedish band of New Tomorrow [come on boys, come on girls...] will be entertaining the crowd soon.