'I have done my best’ – Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says he has done his best for the country and trusts the people to make the right decision.

Lawrence Gonzi (Photo: MediaToday/Ray Attard)
Lawrence Gonzi (Photo: MediaToday/Ray Attard)

Insisting that a change in direction would be a mistake, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said: "On Saturday morning Kate and myself will wake up in the knowledge that we did our utmost for the country. The choice is up to the people, and I trust the people because they have always taken the right decision."

Talking on Labour's agreement with hunters, Gonzi said that the PN's priorities are families and the environment.

"Hunters and trappers want one thing but our families want another. We do not sell our families' demands at any price. Muscat tried to please everyone at the same time. You cannot do so, in life you cannot please everyone at the expense of our families. Malta is a beautiful country and we must guarantee that everyone can enjoy it.Labour and hunters' federation FKNK yesterday afternoon issued a joint statement listing the agreement reached between the two sides.

The statement was signed by Labour leader Joseph Muscat, FKNK President Joe Perici Calascione and secretary general Lino Farrugia.

A Labour government would see that the EU derogation is correctly applied providing hunters and trappers with "satisfying solutions" according to the decision of the European Court of Justice on spring hunting and trapping of turtle dove and quail.

Moreover, there will be pre-established and fixed dates for the autumn and winter hunting while it would kick-start a consultation process for the review of laws, legal notices and relative policies to remove any grey areas.

Speaking during the weekly event for families in Naxxar, Gonzi said that the PN government had introduced a number of measures to aid small businesses and was now pledging to reduce income tax.

"All of this could not be possible if the country's finances were not safe and secure. As long as we keep safe and secure finances we will be able to create jobs, help businesses grow and offer the best education and health services."

Emmanuel Mallia
You have done your best to reward yourself 500 euro increase, and satisfy your collegues Gatt & RCC and perhaps a group of OTHERS. As a catholic, or you pretend to be, you should have done your best to fight corruption, and legislate accordingly for the common good . GOD is not a diplomat !
Hon PM. Your "I did my very best" is for me very hard to digest. I supported MLP from 1971-1983 and PN from 1987-2008. I had run a transportation company from 1989-2011 but ended up employed under your legislature. I think it is about time that you understand what it means to loose ALL - I know the feeling
Gonzi did not try to please everybody but he always did his best to please the innercircle. That is why as an ex Nationalist I will be voting for the first time for a change and for Muscat. Yes it is time to accept that your best isnot good enough. Do malta afavour and loose the election.
Gonzi did not try to please everybody but he always did his best to please the innercircle. That is why as an ex Nationalist I will be voting for the first time for a change and for Muscat. Yes it is time to accept that your best isnot good enough. Do malta afavour and loose the election.
Emmanuel Mallia
You have done the best in the interest of: 1st: Interest of your pocket 2nd: Interest of Gatt & RCC 3rd: Interest of some secret society ???
Yes sure you got yourself a rise of 500 euro per week you and your clique.
"I have done my best" - Gonzi. Off course you did, to sink citizens into financial problems, hiding scandals, giving yourself a raise 430 times higher than the 1.16 you gave us. Permitting your ministers to be arrogant, spending millions from our taxes for an unwanted theatre and an undeserving parliament house and another endless list of mischiefs. Thank you but no thank you.
"I have done my best" - Gonzi. Off course you did, to sink citizens into financial problems, hiding scandals, giving yourself a raise 430 times higher than the 1.16 you gave us. Permitting your ministers to be arrogant, spending millions from our taxes for an unwanted theatre and an undeserving parliament house and another endless list of mischiefs. Thank you but no thank you.
Dear GonziPN, if this is the best you can do, then it is not good enough. You've done more harm than good, and this makes matters worse.
Hon PM, I have no doubt that you and Mrs Gonzi have done your very best but, in my opinion, there were three things worth reflecting upon. 1: The way some of your ministers treated us left much to be desired. God forbids if they are re elected and are given a ministerial portfolio. 2: The way the cabinet approved the increase in their salaries. 3: The surprise appointment of the head of state. Four years down the line, are you convinced that you made the right decision? All the very best for Saturday.
If PM Gonzi said "I have 'TRIED' to do my best". I would have given him the benefit of the doubt and believed him. But since he said with certainty, quote: "I have done my best" He is once again trying to deceive us all. If you put in your best during the past five years. Do yourself, the country and the PN a favour and resign.
Gonzi jahseb li l-poplu jbati mid dimentsia! Ax ma jxandarx id dikjarazzjoni u l weghdi li ghamel lill kaccaturi u nassaba! Ax ma jghidx kemm hargu permessi f'ODZ areas kemm ilu fil gvern! Ax ma jghidx minn kabbar iz zoni ta zvillupp qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni! Ax ma jghidx li tant jhobb l-ambjent li bena powerstation tahdem bl-aktar zejt li jhammeg u jmarrad li hawn fid dinja! Kemm nbnew suppost stables, wineryies, farmhouses taparsi fil kampanja u fill fatt mhuma xejn hlief vilel! Hallina!
Yes you have done your best to take my hobby away from us! Hunters!
Sorry Dr Gonzi nothing personal your best was not good enough. You had the power to remove individuals who were really inflicting misery on people by their abuse of power but you defended them to the hilt. You did not listen. You let the government go into a crisis because you refused to listen when the disagreements were still internal. You used public money to buy off dissidents instead of using your prerogative and firing incompetent and arrogant ministers. WE don't trust you enough anymore. You are the weakest link. Goodbye.
The worst politician one can have is one who does not admit his mistakes. No Dr Gonzi, you have not done your best. Or, to put it in other words, if, as you say, you have done your best, you have proved yourself to be the most incompetent Prime Minister Malta has had these past 60 years. But I have a better opinion of you. You COULD have done a lot better but you left people with a stronger character than yours influence your decisions......people like Austin Gatt and RCC. You were shown the right way from within the party through your MPs Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett. And yet you left people like Austin and RCC to ride roughshod over you without ever realising it. Now you'll be rewarded with the final accolade of a 30,000 vote defecit and a quick one-way ticket to oblivion. You should never have succumbed to EFA's prodding to go into politics. Being an ordinary company lawyer and a president of Azzjoni Kattolika suited you much much better.