‘Five seconds will decide five years’ - Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi warns voters that all it takes is five seconds in voting booth on 9 March to make the wrong choice and plunge country into five years of mistakes.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and wife Kate at Gozo mass meeting. Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and wife Kate at Gozo mass meeting. Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi drove home the message that, come 9 March, the future of the country would be in the people's hands, and that they have but "five seconds" to make the right choice.

Gonzi was speaking during a Nationalist Party rally in Rabat, Gozo, on Tuesday evening, during which he stressed somewhat hoarsely that voters should think long and hard what their choice would be on 9 March when they find themselves faced with the ballot sheet.

"On 9 March, you will be faced with the ballot sheet. On one side, it will be coloured red," Gonzi said, as the assembled party faithful in Rabat booed and jeered dutifully.

"But on the other, it will be coloured blue," Gonzi said amid the cheers of the crowd. "I trust you can recognise which is the true blue, and which is not," Gonzi added.

Gonzi however subtly underscored the fragility of the Nationalist administration, insisting that the administration's successes over the past five years, it would all nevertheless all boil down to just five seconds on 9 March.

"In five seconds, you will decide the country with the pen in your hand," Gonzi told voters.

"Five seconds, Five years. Five seconds that can keep the country on the right track, or five seconds that can throw us into a direction that nobody knows what it means," Gonzi said, in one of several asides where he warned that Labour's 'new direction' represents a dangerous and unknown variable.

"Five seconds to remember that red means unemployment and blue means work," he stressed.

"If the result is a bad one we will not be able to correct that mistake for five years, and a lot can happen in that time," Gonzi also warned.

"It is up to you," Gonzi said, pressing upon the audience that they are responsible for the future of the country, and that they must exercise their democratic duty responsibly.

"From the moment that the polls open on Saturday, the country will be in your hands. For those few seconds, you will be the country's Prime Minister, deciding the course of the country. I have faith that you will make the right choice."

Gonzi also appealed to those voters who are still undecided or who have decided to not vote, insisting that meanwhile, there are many who cannot vote, such as young children too young to have a say in the country's leadership.

"You must vote for them because your vote will give them work, health, and education," Gonzi said impassionedly.

Gonzi also reiterated his Sunday message to party faithful that they should keep looking for more and more undecided voters or first time voters to convert to the Nationalist fold.

"Be our candidates. Be our ambassadors. Be the ones to communicate this message," the Nationalist leader said, insisting that since the first time he delivered this message during Sunday's mass meeting in Sliema, "the feedback we got was amazing."

"But we have yet ways to go. There are four days to go. Keep finding two more people," Gonzi urged.

Gonzi also took the time to chastise disgruntled and dissatisfied voters against not voting against the Nationalist Party out of spite or pride.

"You might have asked for a transfer and didn't get it. You might have asked for a permit, but you didn't get it. But that is no reason to vote badly," Gonzi said, and insisted that one should nevertheless vote for the sake "of one's children, one's family, and one's future."

"Keep that in mind, because that one moment of sadness can lead to yet more sadness," Gonzi cautioned.

Gonzi however admitted that the PN administration did have its shortcomings and pledged that in the coming five years, it would overcome those limitations and do better.

"We can still do more. We can treat people with humanity, dignity and with greater respect. We will treat people not as a file, or a number, but as a person. Every so often, one can help a person, and one cannot. But we need to bring about this change in our culture," he says.

"In the coming legislature, we will make an effort so that everyone - including the Prime Minister, all ministers, department heads, and heads of authorities - will all have to understand that the citizen comes first. They must receive explanations, and they must receive the service due to them."

"We are there to be of service to the people, and not the other way around," Gonzi stressed.

The rally was also addressed by deputy party leader Simon Busuttil, who delivered a personal commitment to party faithful that with him as deputy prime minister "the Nationalist government will be closer to you than ever before."

"We will not solve everything by next Saturday. But I am making a personal commitment that like I was there for you in Europe, I will be there for you after the election," Busuttil said.

Priscilla Darmenia
An important 5 seconds to change our lives BY VOTING YOU OUT.
5 seconds? Mela Dr Gonzi ma jafx illi l-vot hu biss recollection ta hames snin ta 500 euros zieda; blunder wara l-iehor u hadd ma jirrezenja; korruzzjoni galore taht imniehrek; arroganza ta Neruni li harget mill-ministri teighek specjalment dak li kellu secret swiss account u ma irrezenjax...jew dak li ma hallass bolla tal-maid, qabbad li kuntrattur jahdimlu 'b'xejn' mar fuq jet privat; iddobba arlogg ghax jiffansjawh, u jigdeb aktar minn ma nafx minn? Il-vot, Dr Gonzi hu reflessjoni ta hames snin fuq your dysfunctional government: u iz-zieda tal-kontijiet li wekkejtilna bil-qalb? Aghmel pjacir lil Partit Nazzjonalista ghid mea culpa: worst PN Prime Minister ever!
Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Gonzi, my decision is not based on 5 seconds before I cast my vote, but it was established during the past 5 years under your administration. You wanted gratitude from this section and that section of the population for doing this and that. Doing things WAS YOUR DUTY as Prime Minister. We do our duties however we all get our punishment for doing something wrong. You have done much wrong to us, most grievous is leaving incompetent ministers squandering our tax money and instead of removing them you asked the public to give them a standing ovation in support. NOW it is too late to realize your mistakes. You were hard headed that you never listened to the many sectors of our business and NGO communities, not to mention many from the general public.
xbajtu titmejlu bin nies issa gej il qrid ilkom sena biex tirrangawli il madum bliskema ta ghajnuna bil houseing hallast 68ewros biex issir ricerka gie il perit qalli kollox ok stenna ittra biex tibda ircievat ittra imma mhux biex nibda imma biex inhallas 11ewro ohra side plan mil mepa u statementmil bank b sentejn lura talbuni 40ewro biex kont sejjer nihu 550ewro jienaqatt ma hadt xejn u marrix xejn min ghandkom grazzi ghalek sejjer nivvota pl b qalbi kolla
Don't even bother wasting your breath on sweet talk now. You wouldn't have consulted with us mortals if we didn't have a VOTE. Yes in those famous 5 seconds we'll be voting for our children and our future by sending you and your gang for a couple of years in opposition. TIME OUT.
you are wrong !I think i need at least 25 secs to finished the ballot paper to vote all the Pl Candidates!
Now that reality has caught up with GonziPN and the Prime Minister appears to be in check by the Maltese electorate, it would be wise to remind Dr. Gonzi that 5 seconds will decide the next 5 years, but it would take 5 years to unravel the injustices, corruption and collusion that has materialised under PN administrations of the last quarter century. It would be a grave mistake on the PL if they do not try and recover the millions in hidden commissions that contributed to Malta's national debt. Dr. Busuttil, the brash Brussels wonder politician seems to have lost mission and gone from hero to zero in hibernation. Results for next Saturday's election are now clear. The progressive & moderate movement to fight corruption & collusion will be declared the winners of 2013 and GonziPN must return to Pieta and lick their wounds and await the outcome of a new administration that will have their hands full with investigations regarding Malta's national assets.
Its not about five seconds Dr Gonzi! Its about five years of arrogance from your ministers and sometimes yourself when you had no temerity to dip into the taxpayers pockets behind their backs and give yourself a 500 euros increase! Five seconds come and go, but the arrogance and the attitude of your government during the last five years-especially 'nivvota bil-qalb biex jghollew il-kontijiet' will be in our memory locked when we will cast our vote on Saturday! Go and clean your party in opposition where you belong, so that a new group of persons -worthy of PN- will slowly but surely give our country sometime in the future - a serious and meek alternative PN government: contrary to what you and your gang represent!
Lawrence Covin
Minn fejn gabuh il-blu, dawn? Il-bandiera taghhom aktar iswed fiha, rikordju taz-zmienijiet faxxisti li fihom ssahhah il-partit nazzjonalista. Minn fejn gabuh il-blu? Imma qatt ma kienu ser jaghmlu bill-board b'Gonzi wiccu iswed!
Maltin jien ghall l-ewwel darba se inkun protagonist fdawk il 5 secondi hu se nivvota mill QAlB ghall partit laburista Gonzi tkomplix ixxered dmuh tal kukudrilli nhar is sibt se tahsad dak li zrajt il korruzzjoni il mibedgha li qieghed ixxered fdin il kampanja Il maltin mhumiex kolla cwiec maltin Sur Gonzi hu ghalhekk nhar is sibt il poplu se jiggudikak sewwa
Those five seconds means a lot to me, its time we "VOTE YOU OUT". In the 70/80 the labour party because arrogant and needed to be voted out, after 25 years in power the nationalist party not not because super arrogant but super corrupt and most of ALL intollerant, abusive and inhumane. OUT-OUT-OUT-OUT-OUT
Gonz, 5 years might seem like 5 seconds to you. In the same fashion as a €600 weekly increase YOU would compare to €1.16 weekly increase!! Another 5 years of your inapt, arrogant, scandalous, sleazy, graft-laden, nepotist, corrupt governance would completely demolish any few drags of hope this small island has to make it in the real world. Go away! Leave us in peace! TIME UP! GAME OVER!
5 seconds for 5 years, how true a statement, dear Lawrence Gonzi that is what happens when someone sits for a government interview, and you lose a promotion because one of the interviewer`s wife play bridge every weekend with the mother of another interviewee. Blatant conflict of interest.
We sure make the right choice especially for forgotten Gozo (except for election time of course). We will vote Labour.
"We are there to be of service to the people, and not the other way around," Gonzi stressed. Nitħak jew nibki? Stenna 5 sekondi Mr. Gonżi!!!!!
yes 5 seconds to go in opposition
Emmanuel Mallia
The five seconds that is going to deprive you from your 500 euro increase, and your grip to power ! Keep on dreaming !!
Five seconds is all that is needed, sons and daughters of Malta and Gozo to free yourself from the oligarchy that has taken over our Country. Five seconds to freedom and liberty. Altro che more of the same. Who wants the same? Who wants the arrogance and the "humane" blue face of GonziPN. No, in five seconds on Saturday, you and I will be freed of the shackles that have been around our necks and feet for the last 10 years and more. In 5 seconds we will give the green light for a 25% reduction in our energy bills, a clean country where justice will be meted out equitably and fairly, where the spying eyes and telephone interceptions on ordinary citizens like you, me and Saviour Balzan would finally come to an end. 5 seconds can mean heaven or hell for all of us Maltese. 5 seconds for Malta Taghna Ilkoll.
"We can still do more. We can treat people with humanity, dignity and with greater respect. We will treat people not as a file, or a number, but as a person." So it took you 25 years to realise this???!!! P*ss off. Why should anyone be believing you now?
How melodramatic can be our Prime Minister. However his message I am sure have fallen on deaf ears.
Fabian Psaila
FIVE hundred €uro salary rises GonziPN & his Gand of Ministers gave themselves , will most certanly come to mind during those five seconds!
"We will treat people not as a file, or a number, but as a person." You sure treated my family and me as a file Dr. Gonzi, and that was just a few months ago. These are the same promises you made to disgruntled people 5 years ago. You did nothing but get worse in 5 years - of course you can't fix everything by Saturday and BTW thanks for reminding us of the power of incumbency. The problem is that if the electorate is ready to be fooled another time woe betide us!