Who should be the next PN leader?
Tell us what you think by choosing from our extensive list for the post of PN leader, deputy leader, secretary-general.
Jiena kieku nagħzel lill Zaren Vassallo biex meta jkollna bzonn li nissellfu xi somma flus zgur ma jkollniex problemi u ħadd ma jkun jista jakkuzana li hemm xi tip ta' obligazzjonijet marbutin ma dan is-self,għax ikun kollox tiegħu f'tiegħu.U b'hekk il-kap tal-partit ikun obligat biss lejħ innifsu. Dan mhux hsieb tajjeb li gej min persuna mingħjr ebda kwalifiċi universitarji mill-universita' tal-qroqqa.
Beppe Fenech Adami
Emmanuel Mallia •
All those in the picture have a conventional outlook. Certainly, not Marthese Portelli. She should resign, after the disaster !
Emmanuel Mallia •
The new PN leader should be an outsider, like Dr Anne Fwenech, after getting rid of the puppeteers at the backstage. Marthese Portelli should resign as president of PN
Emmanuel Mallia •
The first priority of the PN should be to publicly get rid of those two dictators who have hijacked the party, then choose a young leader with an unconventional outlook. The PN should review its ways of making politics, re introduce dialogue, and become a really POPULAR party, close to the citizens.
What a bunch of sad loosers these are the faces that have created this great financial burden.
Is it true that Edwin Vassallo is going to start again selling jeans because after the great dragging they got last Saturday,he is certian of a good market due to a big request because they all ended up with their pants torn apart.
Kieku jiena nista nagħzel nippreferi lill-Zaren Vassallo,xejn xejn ma jkollux obligazzjonijiet lejn xi ħaddieħor meta jkollu bzonn jissellef xi somma flus għax ikun tiegħu f'tiegħu . Mhux hekk Sur Kaspitina?
M'hemmx wiehed jew wahda ta' sugu. Lanqas haqq li qed issir dan is-survey.
Can you kindly show us what the people are saying?
Mhux ħa nivvota għax lanqas biss jinteressani. Ġallihom jiġġieldu bejniethom!
How about a survey on who should be excluded from the mentioned posts !!!
Are you serious in this article. There is at least one face in that photo who, in my opinion, contributed immensely to the PN loss, and yet he seems to be considered as a candidate for leader??? Or is this to ensure that the PL remains in office for the next century. All those that acted unethically if not worse should not dare put their names forward.
Are you serious in this article. There is at least one face in that photo who, in my opinion, contributed immensely to the PN loss, and yet he seems to be considered as a candidate for leader??? Or is this to ensure that the PL remains in office for the next century. All those that acted unethically if not worse should not dare put their names forward.
I cannot see how one can choose a secretary general from the above when many of them were elected MP's! A secretary general is chosen from the outside circle of voted MP's and then after some years if he/she wishes can choose to run for Parliament, not the other way round!
Unfortunately PN needs to start over.The people sent a clear message that they need and want a change within the Nationalist Party....The next leader should be someone a young and fresh face who didn't have ANY post within the party.. PN need to send the message back to the people that they really intend to return back to the great party that we all know and that has done so much good to this country till the very last day it governed... Unfortunately a minor face lift will not be enough to convince the people unless we want to remain in opposition for the next 15 years...
Jien nahseb lahjar Tonio Fenech bhala leader, biex blarlog tal lira li qala rigal ikun jista izzom il hin li jithlu il membri fil parlament, u David Agius bhala segretarju generali, biex jikkopja dak li jamlu tal PL, biex xi darba jergaw ikunu fil gvern, nahseb biex jikkopja David espert.
AG / AUST ......... to ensure the PN will remain in opposition for another 20 years