Gonzi suggests appointing commission to analyse electoral defeat

PN hold first parliamentary group meeting since election loss.

Lawrence Gonzi
Lawrence Gonzi

The Nationalist Party is expected to commission a report into the party's dismal 43% vote that consigned it to the Opposition after 15 years in power, Opposition leader Lawrence Gonzi said today at the end of the PN's first parliamentary group meeting.

Gonzi, who will stand down as leader within three months' time when the PN councillors elect a new leader, deputy leader and secretary-general, said the commission would be based on a similar one as that which analysed the 1996 defeat.

The commission was composed of Godfrey Grima and Fr Joe Borg.

The PN's parliamentary group also had to choose 13 MPs from its 26 elected MPs - now to increase to 30 under Constitutional provisions - to form part of the PN executive committee, which will meet next week. The executive committee will have to vote by secret ballot which seats will be vacated by MPs who got elected from two districts: these are Lawrence Gonzi, Simon Busuttil, Robert Arrigo, George Pullicino, Tonio Fenech, and Joe Cassar. The vacated seats will make way for casual elections.

David Agius was reappointed party whip.

I do not recommend Emmanuel Delia because he already missed the bus last Saturday and is still waiting for Arriva to collect him. Hope that the garbage truck will not arrive earlier.
Emmanuel Mallia
If you do not get rid of Austin & RCC, it is no use appointing commissions ! As you once said, judging you for what you have done, we do not believe youand your party anymore . You should have listened to Franco, some four years ago .
Il-PN irid jimrah il-barra mill-grupp li hemm u jdahhal nies godda! Ghamiltu gid bizzejjed! Vera gieli gerfixtu xi wahda, izda il-PN irid ihares il-fuq jara x'baqaghlu tajjeb u jkompli jibni ghal gid ta' Malta. Il-Prim ministru stess ammetta li l-ebda partit politiku wahdu ma kien igib dik-ir-rebha MASSIVA! Lesti ghal kollox, lesti nahdmu, lesti naghmlu kull sagrificcju sabiex nergghu inkunu l-aktar partit popolari fil-gzejjer taghna! Irridu nahdmu spalla ma' spalla ma Dr. Joe Muscat sabiex il-pajjiz taghna jibqa sejjer il-quddiem. Nemmen li flimkien kollox possibbli! Huwa jidher dispost li jahdem tajjeb u dan jawgura tajjeb ghal kulhadd. Suggeriment wiehed, irridu nehilsu minn min bil-kitba tieghu qed jaghmel hafna hsara. Dr. Muscat jixraqlu jigi rrispettat bhala l-Prim Ministru u l-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni xejn inqas minnu!!! Ejjew bil-bnadar taghkom fis-siegha tat-taqbid....... Ejjew ha nirbhu Zgur!!!
Why is Gonzi still taking PN supporters for a ride? All he needs to do is to ask Jean Pierre Farrugia and Franco Debono to give him a copy of what they have already said in public. What GonziPN are in fact looking for is an alibi NOT a reason for the debacle. Carry on .....deluding yourself!
In denial and no insight at all regarding the Great Defeat.
Yes appoint a commission but let us make a representative of all that should for the PN believe in not just a few. Lack of leadership and the issue of illegal migration issue was on the lips of many many people, the MPs salary increase and electric ity/water bills. Those 3 issues alone were the downfall of the PN> Say all you want, but those are the facts.
Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Gonzi, the writing was on the wall for the past 4 years for you to read. Other MP’s read it for you and you side passed them and called a jihad against them. Now do the PN a favour for the next election: you, Gatt, Fenech, RCC and your ex-cabinet should resign as MEMBERS of the PN to cleanse the party.
Għadu anqas biss induna??? Għaliex taħseb li ħadt tkaxkira nobis gonz??
Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Gonzi, why are you going to continue wasting time for people? First you wasted 15 months for this country by not calling an early election, now you are going to waste time to the party by analysing the loss. All you have to do is to see what Franco Debono; JPO; Jesmond Muliette and other back benchers have been telling you these past 4 years.
Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Gonzi, why are you going to continue wasting time for people? First you wasted 15 months for this country by not calling an early election, now you are going to waste time to the party by analysing the loss. All you have to do is to see what Franco Debono; JPO; Jesmond Muliette and other back benchers have been telling you these past 4 years.
DCG is projecting lots of hatred!!!! ahna nsara?? ?? Tikritika l argument mhux il persuni personalment!!!hadd jista jwaqqafha ?? ghaliex din il mibgheda essegerata personali ???
Analysis: Lies Lies Lies... A father and a family who neglected their own people. Now they found refuge in another Family by the name of Malta Taghna Lkoll.
First of all I suggest the PN look up the word dictator in the dictionary. Then I suggest they look around them and see who might have been a dictator. One person not elected to parliament was a dictator. Another one had been elected and did all the wrong things and derided any criticism..the opposite of what he had fought for in the 1980's. His cousin manipulated PBS very much like the bad old days of Xandir. The names:RCC; A Gatt; Lou Bondi.I will not list DCG because if one does not bother about her blog or buy her rag she could be ignored. So there are 3 factors RCC AG and Lou. Study their behaviour, what they did, how they achieved their aims, how they treated people and the general public.....and you will have the reason for the massive defeat. But Franco had been saying all this a long time ago. So why bother at all?
Bajju, you missed the €600 weekly self awarded increase when the rest got €1.16??????
Nixtieq naf xi trid tanalizza. Mhux kulhadd jaf l-ghaliex tliftu b'margni daqshekk kbir sur gonzipn. Korruzzjoni, oligarkija, tghaddu minn fuq in-nies b'romblu, arroganza, is-600 mitt euro zieda fil-gimgha, tivvota mil-qalb sabiex joghlew id-dawl u l-ilma, ic-cucati ta' Simon Busullotti, kampanja negattiva u tat-twerwir, tal-klikka jaghmlu li jridu, il-froga tal-Arriva,u elf haga ohra. Apparentement gonzipn ma kienx jghix Malta .
Dr Gonzi,you are a good leader,and I'am sorry for you,if you want to know why they voted against the party,ask the people direct,and not G.Grima or Fr J Borg.I'am one of them.I gave 1 to Robert Arrigo and the rest to Labour.
I have been telling you for ages what was wronf with your Government 1. Arrogance 2. Utility Bills £. Gas prices 5. Olitical discimination 6. Voting in parliament against the Will of the Majority 7. Taking %00 euros weekly and give the poor a miserable 1.16 euros while telling us that there are dark clouds looming on the horizon. 8. You did hear the cries of those in need (you went deaf and blind. 9. Insulting one and all including the layman 10. The curruption that wxists in all government departments ewspecially those that came under finance. 11. Tell us one thing and you do exactly the opposite. 12. Telling us that the world revolves around you, and some of your minister though that were were above GOD. You want more I will tell you. I am pleased that you got the biggest degeat in history, I hope that Joseph Muscat won't do the same because I will be the first to critisise and vote against
One of the main reasons is that the top people simply lied on major issues disrespected the electorate thought they could trick the most of the electorate all of the time. corruption forcing people to beg for their rights abusing power of incumbency internal strife DCG and hinding the guiding brain behind the operation destruction of all opposition by vilification and on and on and on and on and on and on !
Seems Lawrence and the rest of the PN are still without a clue why the Maltese people turned them out lock stock and barrel!!!!
Emmanuel Mallia
Marthese Portelli should resign.
Ma ghandekx ghalfejn tahli flus u tqabbad ebda kumisjoni sur ex prim. Qabbad lil Franco . JPO . u Muliet biex insemilek ftiet ta nies li tiga tawk ragunijiet bizzejjed ghala hadd dik it tkaxkira li nizlet fir records.Imma l-akbar trux minn ma jridx jisma.
Christopher Briffa
The fact that he needs a commission to tell him what went wrong shows how out of touch the PN was. Off the top of my head I can easily tell the PN what the reasons for the massive defeat were but I doubt they would care to listen.
You do not need to consult a comission to learn why you were defeated you werevjust too stuborn to listen to what the people told.
You do not need to consult a comission to learn why you were defeated you werevjust too stuborn to listen to what the people told.
Brainwashed gonzipn apologists wake up because they had taken you for a ride ghall go l-hajt gas down ! They had robbed you and me and the entire country. Shame on them. If you can't see that hope at least you will realize by time the damage they had caused.
On tonight's Xarabank, Joe Azzopardi attempted to discuss the Nationalist Party massive defeat in the last general elections without even remotely thinking that his program and PBS, in general, had also contributed greatly to such a result. Before the elections I wrote that " I'm sure that at the post mortem on the 9th March election results PBS will be singled out as a major catalyst why so many did not cast their vote. I'm saying this as I know many PN voters that are so disgusted with their party's forced marriage to PBS". I wasn't quite right in my prediction because many PN voters did vote however they voted to end the PN's marriage to PBS as we are now all too tired of it.
Goes to show just how cut off from reality the PN really is , the need of a commission seems so unnecessary , all you had to do was listen to the people and by that I mean the real people not those brain-washed gullible imbeciles who bought every word on Net TV and believed that spin like it was sacrosanct. P.S the sour grapes brigade on TOM are truly laughable.
Who will form part of this commission, RCC, DCG, A.G.? Why not JPO, Franco Debono , Jesmond Mugliette or even John Dalli??????
Emmanuel Mallia
I am quite sure that your so called commission will be maneuvered, and/or possibly chaired by Gatt and RCC !!! Things have not changed !!
Emmanuel Mallia
First of all, you must expel those two dictators at the back seat. Otherwise, things will not change. Hanzir taqtalu denbu, hanzir jibqa !!
Dr Gonzi it does not take a commission to analyze your electoral defeat. It is very simple and to the point. You screwed up. You stuck to your Shadow Ministers and ignored everything and everybody else. In plain English you stuck to,(as Franco Debono called them) "THE CLIQUE". You also ignored the the call of the people and went ahead with the Gonzi/Piano project. The cherry on the cake was the building of the Topless Opera House which even Tenor Joseph Calleja was objective too. In other words you ignored the people. You let those around you do the talking and none of them could do the walking. You left this country with an almost bankrupt National Airline and a fiasco in the Public Transportation Sector. You managed to cut a lot of ribbons but that was a day late and a dollar short. You should have stopped the buck when you said you would, but you did not. The rest is history and you do not need a committee to tell you what went wrong.
You don't need a commission Gonz, it was your blatant arrogance and the disregarding of the concerns of the majority of Maltese that lost you the elections. It appears that you STILL can't read the writing on the wall.
Nobody has the courage to speak out the truth; they have to hide behind a commission. Looks like the clique has so much power that everyone is soiling his pants. Nobody in the party has the courage to stand up to them even after they drove the party into the wall. At this rate, it is going to be long time before the PN is strong again and cleaned out of these people. For Malta’s sake, if not for the party’s, throw them out.
Dr. Gonzi should not be the person suggesting this or that at this point. It sends the wrong message. Besides, another silly 'secret' commission from Alice in Wonderland is not what the PN needs. It needs allow Civil Society to reclaim centre stage in the party, and what the outgoing leadrship etc should be doing now is thinking of ways and means to achieve this. The rest is regurgitated hogwash! The PN was at its pinnacle when it was awash with people from all walks of civil society....when it was a hub of ideas and vision...when it worked hard to develop policies that placed the individual at the core. Ther is one person in the PN who has never lost contact with civil society and who is trusted by civil society. Unfortunately he has been used by others to cover their own sins, but time will make many realise that he is a right choice.
Bill to be addressed to Mr Z Vassallo.
Is there really the need to appoint a commission? Here’s some of the reasons: • Lack of sensitivity: when you are about to announce massive increase in W& E rates, try to show some remorse for the less fortunate. Do NOT make stupid statements such as “nivvota bil-qalb”; • Arrogance, arrogance, arrogance; • Lack of accountability and transparency; • Total disrespect for the Accountant General; • Failure to rein in DCG and the rest of her gang; • The filling of all meaningful roles by inner members of the klikka, an arrogant, incompetent bunch of losers who can’t organise a “piss up in a brewery”; • Free flights on businessmen’s private jets, gifts from land speculators, private secretaries engaged in corruption to collect funds for political campaigns; • Arriva (mai); • An education system that is totally out of touch (in most instances) with the country’s needs; • A betrayal of the European ideals where GonziPN always looked at Europe as a cash cow, rather than as an opportunity to strive for a better society; • Criminal waste of resources, both human and financial; • The incompetence evident when a number of alleged criminals had to be set free because of the non-implementation of basic human rights; • The political dishonesty shown throughout the electoral campaign; • The ineptitude shown by Simon Busuttil – by far the biggest let down in Maltese political history. A person brought to supposedly offer a new approach and instead turned out to be even worse that Gonzi himself. Need I say more??
PN always the same. Can't you realize why the election was lost? Well what does one expect from your party, always of the same: commission report, commission report, commission report and on and on on.