PN needs to be led by a team, not one person – George Pullicino

Former resources minister George Pullicino says PN needs to transform itself into a popular party and be led by a team, rather than one person.

George Pullicino pointed the way forward for the PN in a blogpost.
George Pullicino pointed the way forward for the PN in a blogpost.

The humiliating defeat the Nationalist Party suffered at the polls earlier this month has been subject to numerous newspaper articles, television discussions and blogspots.

The latest to share his thoughts on the defeat was former resources minister George Pullicino.

Writing in his blog, Pullicino said that the PN needs to first identify the reasons which led to the defeat and come up with a programme which brings the party in line with today's society.

"We need to get thinking first. Moreover, we need to rope in people who can do the thinking with us. Firstly we need to identify the reason which led to the defeat. Above all we then need to look ahead, to start rebuilding. This does not mean discarding everything, but we need strong renewal."

Pullicino, elected from two electoral districts, added that firstly the PN needs to decide and determine what should the PN's programme be in today's reality and for the five years ahead. "Where do we want to take the party? How shall we transform the party into a popular party. What are the priorities?"

He added that the party than needs to identify the qualities needed by the persons who can translate the programme in concrete action.
"We therefore need to determine the identikit of the persons who will make up the team. I emphasise the need of a team rather than the leader."

In a veiled criticism of the PN decision to base its 2008 electoral campaign on Lawrence Gonzi's persona, Pullicino said: "The party cannot be built around one person, but around a team. In my opinion we need to have a stronger female presence in the team, and the same goes for young persons."

Pullicino also noted that preferably apart from the leader and the deputy leader, the rest of team should come from outside the Parliamentary group and should have no aspiration to contest elections, to ensure that the persons working within the party can concentrate solely on the party and avoid the distractions of personal campaigns.

Meanwhile, writing in his blog Nationalist MP Michael Gonzi said the "crushing" electoral defeat brought the party to its knees but insisted "the way forwards is actually not so difficult."

Gonzi said that the PN administration "achieved plenty for the country but failed to address middle management issues and basic client focused priorities."
While saying that the reasons for the defeat are numerous, Gonzi highlighted the PN administration's failure to deal with the country's "micro factors."

Stressing that the macro elements where discarded from the electorates line of thought, the MP said: "It was useless promoting the fact that Malta fared better than other European countries in terms of economic strength or that unemployment was at a fair percentage or that tourism had another successfully year, four years in a row."

He added that it was also useless promoting major infrastructural projects, underlining the fact that the PN was voted out of office because of micro factors.

"No one seemed to ask the important question what would have happened if things were the completely opposite, that is economic stagnation, increasing deficit, rising unemployment."
What really cost the PN a fourth successive term was the perception of an incompetent government, Gonzi said.

"It was useless doing house visits and pointing all of the above because the perception was of a failing, tired, corrupt group of people who were only interested in statistics and not the basic needs of the family."

The MP also noted that the continuous perception of a broken party led to a complete distrust in the basic core of the management of this country. "The perception of a klikka (clique) taking over. If each letter of this word has a value in Labour votes you would get a substantial amount add this to the word oligarchy and you would get any even bigger amount."

Gonzi added that the electoral result was also determined by issues which "in theory made sense but in practise where a disaster," listing the water and electricity tariffs hike, the  "insensitive" way bills were issued by ARMS Ltd, the Arriva "disaster," the BWSC Delimara power plant plant saga and the energy dilemma "where people were left believing more in Labour s arguments than Governments policy coupled with a perception of corruption."

Another factor, which Gonzi listed, is the Air Malta restructuring which he argued hurt hundreds of people "not because they were made redundant" but because their stable job was taken away despite being given a golden handshake.

MEPA, the Mater Dei waiting lists, out of stock medication, the divorce issue, gay rights and the hunting issue also featured on Gonzi's list, adding that "all these were craftily taken by Labour with open arms."
Insisting that only history will judge whether the people made the right choice in giving the PN the boot, Gonzi said that the way forward for the bruised Opposition "is actually not so difficult."

"We need to change to get rid of the bad perception. This will be done by getting new people with new ideas and new management skills and restructuring our party from top to bottom. It will not be difficult because we have the people who want this new change and who want to participate. We will be a constructive opposition and will keep the government on its toes. It has promised everything to everyone and we will be there at its heels if it does not deliver.

Tgħid x'kienet ir-raġuni li il-gvern ta' GonziPN baqa' jittratieni milli jitroduċi il-Whistleblower Act? Għallfejn meta qal li kien lest li jressaq din il-liġi,ma riedx li tkun b'effett retroattiv? Jekk hu konvint li ma saret ebda korruzzjoni,għallfejn bezgħa? Nispera li mhux wisq il bogħod iz-zmien li tiġi introdotta din il-liġi ħalli nkun nista nressaq il-kas quddiem l-awtoritajiet kompitenti biex jiġi nvestigat.
Trid tkun veru wiċċek ma jafx x'inhi mistħija biex issa tipprova tgħid x'għandu jsir,meta int kont parti tagħmel mill-klikka li għamlet ħsara enormi lill-partit u lill-gvern speċjalment meta inti kellek il-MEPA taħt il-Ministeru tiegħek.Tgħid mhux ser memmnuk li ma saritx valanga ta' korruzzjoni fl-għoti tal-permessi tal-bini speċjalment ma nies li kienu jaħdmu fil-ministeru tiegħek u li kienu applikaw għall permess fuq isem wieħed mit-tfal biex ma jidhirx l-isem ta' min hi verament l-art li saret l-applikazzjoni fuqha?Tgħid x'kienet ir-raġuni li Dr Gonzi kien ħadlek il-MEPA min taħt idejk?
George Pullicino, the first thing you have to learn is when some of your supposrters came and ask for some sort of help for their husand you don't tell them that you could have help them if their husband weren't labour suporters. Your regime have ended up in fragments and I hope you won't be able to put it togther at least for another 100 years. You all hvae to learn to respect others one way or another
Yes georgy Porgy, we've seen how your team operates. Now proven to be a bunch of thieves of government property. Vote PN again? Not likely.
what are you trying to say pullicino, that you were not part of that one person ? you were one of gonzi's blue eyes!! its because of people like you who thought you were everything when a minister that the nationalist party finished in the state it is, please dont open your big fat mouth and comment and please stay out of the nationalist psrty.
To err is persist is diabolical! Yes, freedom of speech dictates that everyone can say whatever he/she wants to say, but is it possible that former cabinet members cannot understand that the more they give their opinion right now, the more damage they inflict on the party? The electorate gave a very clear message, so for the sake of the party do everyone a favour and hold your horses a wee bit, as every utterance right now, especially ill thought through opinion pieces, are being interpreted as a provocation. This is not how the party can regain trust and build bridges with civil society. No man is greater than the party
@ Franco: Can you please be more specific about how a €1 million over six months contract ended in a €29 million over 2/3 years one. A bit confusing for the common man. need to know.
I will not mention the clique and corruption & sleaze, we all know about that and one can read Franco Debono's blog. But is it possible that no one, especially the older ones, within the PN realised that what was happening at PBS with the complete domination and manipulation of a small group (WE/BOndi etc)was bringing broadcastin back to the terrible days of the eighties? As an ex PN supporter I think they must be very naive not to realise the negative effect that a completely biased PBS had on the intelligent public. And why were they constantly in denial? That's one question Pullicino and his buddies should be asking themselves.
" I emphasise the need of a team rather than the leader." George Pullicino that same idea is what brought down the Partit Nationalista in the last election. You ever hear the phrase "Too many cooks spoil the broth"? And did you or your Party ever pay attention as to what Franco Debono had to say about the "CLIQUE"? Do you think that was some kind of a joke? Think again George Pullicino. I know the PN is to proud to offer Franco Debono an apology but I must say he was right but your leader was to stubborn and too arrogant to listen. There cannot be more than one leader in a party and there were at least two in the PN and that lost them the election.
Arrogance is what led to this. George Pullicino should know that since he was one of the most arrogant Minister throughout this legislature!
Impressive how a drubbing at the hustings has brought so many PN MPs back into their senses! Pity it is too late and after a 36000vote deficit. Why did they not air their views in public earlier instead of marginating Franco Debono... maybe they were scared of the Politburo?
Dr Michael Gonzi has mentioned most of the reasons why the PN lost the election so heavily. His words are the same words that the people and the oppositon said for 5 years. Infact if you do not read who was saying so it never passes your mind that these words are comming from a nationalist MP .. brother of the ex Prime Minister. Did michael mention these befre the elections?
Qazziztuna w dejjaqtuna. Ghamlulna pjacir u sparixxu mix-xena ghax intom kollha kemm intom kagun li kissirtu pajjiz ja qatta ''cretini'' kif qal Franco Debono. Kif ma' semma xejn il-PBS rigward is-serq minn go l-ufficini. Ma' kienx bizzejjed li sraqtu. Dizgustanti ghall ahhar. Issa sibu xi kuntrattur biex jibnielkom il-partit!
Perit Pullicino, int mhux wiehed minnhom li ilek hemmhekk. Possibli ma kontx taf x'kien ġej. Hu minnek kemm kont qrib ic-cittadin, fosthom is-sajjieda? Mhux ahjar twarrab ftit lura u jidħlu nies ġodda fil-PN, b'idejat godda? Timliex rasek ghax gejt elett minn żewg distretti, dawk imorru u jigu kif marret u giet il-maggoranza favur il-PN. Dan il-Partit irid jerga isib ruhu, isir popolari b'mexxeja li jisimghu lill-poplu.
they were always blind to people's needs, now they are blind to the disaster they left behind and why they lost.
Look whose talking!! Mr Klikka himself!! George, it would take time for the PN to REALLY change. First, it has to get rid of people LIKE YOU!! The only problem for the PN is that there are too many people LIKE YOU!! Min se jkun dak li se jlibbes il-gongoll lill qattus? George, you still talk about perception. THIS is the main problem for the PN. Your perceptions are FACTS for us, the people.
Before George Pulicino starts amazing us with his rethoric he'd better explain how a €1 million over six months contract ended in a €29 million over 2/3 years one. Let's hope that by time we'll get to know the facts about this
How about breeding Pullicino & co in a fish farm full of piranhas?
Priscilla Darmenia
"We need to change to get rid of the bad perception.” He said. Well in my opinion I think that you need to RID OF THE CLIQUE and those persons who were WORKING BEHIND the clique. Throw them out of the party and ban them from ever becoming members again, then and only then, the PN may start becoming credible. If these people remain, I for one would find it hard to remove the “perception” (as the PN likes to call it) that no one is pulling strings from behind.
Emmanuel Mallia
A team at the backstage like Gatt & RCC ???? Unless you publicly EXPEL them from the party, you will never gain confidence back !
Zack Depasquale
I can give Mr Pullicino a thousand reasons why GonziPN lost big but I am going to stick to only two. Reason One: Overweight Arrogant Ex Ministers that thought they were God's gift to Malta. Reason Two: Overweight Ex Ministers who used Government funds to run their own Election Campaigns with public servants and Public Funds from private flats in Sliema.This overweight Minister (I am sure that Mr Pullicino knows who I am talking about) should resign immediately from Parliament ask for forgivness from the people of Malta and retire never to be seen again.
One of the reasons for the defeat Mr Pullicino is you and your friends in MEPA."Thank you for the service."
l-Pn mhux klikka kienet qeghda tmexxih? L-istess klikka se tkompli tmexxi jew taparsi wahda gdida imma tkun biss clone ta dik li kisret lil kulhadd bl-arroganza, qziez u korruzzjoni sfaccata li halliet lil pajjiz b'5 biljun dejn u li fiha l-EneMalta giet stuprata-Alla ibierk minghajr ma GonziPN ma kien jaf- xejn?
Pullicino forgot to mention the apartment in Sliema from where he operated his personal electoral campaign at the expense of the taxpayer!! My personal suggestion to George is to make way for more decent politicians within his party so that the PN will be a constructive opposition. Otherwise it will be just more of the same we had for the past 15 years
The Maltese can have a new hobby - listening to the problem itself providing solutions!
One of the reasons the PN lost the election is you with your sarcastic smiling and with your arrogance. I advice the PN to listen to Dr. Michael Gonzi analyses
Yes indeed you will be a constructive opposition. From day one you have absolutely done the opposite. The fracas left at various ministers is judge to that. And the oligarchy wont be removed for the simple reason that its roots are very deep indeed and now after the drubbing at the General Elections more cracks are visible in gonzipn. Dear George just ask your friend Robert Arrigo for an explanation.
It is undoubtedly visible that the PN is still in serious denial stage. GP said it is actually not so difficult to change: such a comment shows clearly and unequivocally the fact that GP and co do not have the slightest idea of the gravity of the situation. They honestly believe that some cosmetic change or a change in wording will make the PN credible. The reality is that the PN needs a MAJOR change from within; it will require a very painful exercise of transformation and courage enough to get rid of its irrelevant stuff (like GP). Well my advice to this guy is: If you really believe it is easy, then the first thing you must do is to kick yourself and the likes of you, who kept the PN at ransom, OUT!!!!!