Labour nominations for casual elections
Nominations for casual elections close Tuesday 26 March.
The nominations for the Labour casual elections presented on Monday, 25 March, are: David Farrugia Sacco (1st) for the seat vacated by Louis Grech; Rita Law (2nd) for the seat vacated by Joseph Muscat; Joseph Debono Grech, Cliffod Galea, and Marc Sant (8th) for the seat vacated by Edward Scicluna; Michael Falzon and Nikita Zammit Alamango (10th) for the seat vacated by Manuel Mallia; and Clifford Galea, Alfred Grima, and Deborah Schembri (12th) for the seat vacated by Evarist Bartolo.
Other nominations include: Luciano Busuttil and John Buttigieg (1st) for the seat vacated by Louis Grech; Adrian Meli, Chris Aguis and Victor Sultana (2nd) for the seat vacated by Joseph Muscat; John Buttigieg (8th) for the seat vacated by Edward Scicluna; Clifton Grima (10th) for the seat vacated by Manuel Mallia; Clayton Bartolo and Lorna Vassallo (12th) for the seat vacated by Evarist Bartolo.
Nominations for the Labour casual elections close on 26 March, which also the day that the Nationalist nominations will open. The latter will close on Monday 1 April.
The elections for the casual elections will take place on 28 March for Labour, and 3 April for the Nationalist Party.