PN nominations for casual elections
Nominates for casual elections close 1 April, PN presents 34 candidates, votes to be counted on Wednesday 3 April
The PN presented a total of 34 candidates for its casual elections, which will be vying for six parliamentary seats.
While only two MPs (Francis Agius and Stephen Spiteri) will be vying for PN leader Lawrence Gonzi's vacated second district seat, it will be considerably more of a pitched battle for two Ninth District seats vacated by Robert Arrigo and Simon Busuttil, and a Tenth District seat vacated by George Pullicino as they will be contested by no less than eight candidates.
A number of candiadates have also been nominated for more than one vacated seat: Kristy Debono, Karl Gouder, Joseph Falzon, Franco Galea, Marthese Portelli, Joanna Agius, Noel Muscat and Charles Selvaggi.
Some have also been nomianted for three seats, among them Joanna Agius, Joseph Falzon, Franco Galea, Karl Gouder, Noel Muscat, and Charles Selvaggi.
The nominations were presented between Tuesday 26 March, and Monday 1 April. The counting of votes will take place on Wednesday 3 April at the Naxxar Counting Hall, at start at 8:00 am.
The nominates per district are as follows:
Second District (Seat vacated by Lawrence Gonzi)
Agius Francis
Spiteri Stephen
Ninth District (seat vacated by Robert Arrigo)
Agius Anna k/a Joanna
Debono Kristy
Falzon Joseph
Galea Franco
Gouder Karl
Muscat Noel
Portelli Marthese
Selvaggi Charles
Ninth District (seat vacated by Simon Busuttil)
Agius Anna k/a Joanna
Debono Kristy
Falzon Joseph
Galea Franco
Gouder Karl
Muscat Noel
Portelli Marthese
Selvaggi Charles
Tenth District (seat vacated by George Pullicino)
Agius Anna k/a Joanna
Falzon Joseph
Fenech Albert
Galea Franco
Gouder Karl
Muscat Noel
Selvaggi Charles
Vella Brincat Evelyn
Eleventh District (seat vacated by Joseph Cassar)
Bonnici Charlo
Farrugia Shirley
Spiteri Ian Mario
Vassallo Edwin
Zammit Montebello John
Twelfth District (seat vacated by Tonio Fenech)
Galea Graziella
Galea Vincent
Spiteri Ian Mario