Job creation, economic growth focus of Mallia campaign
‘Job creation and economic development must remain at the centre of all our efforts’ says Nationalist MEP

Job creation will be Nationalist candidate for MEP Stefano Mallia’s central focus, the lawyer said during his campaign launch yesterday.
“Throughout my career job creation and economic growth have always been at the center of my work. If we are not capable of generating economic growth and creating jobs then as a country we would not be able to sustain our health systems, our educational system, our social services and our pensions,” Mallia said.
“Unfortunately at the moment unemployment has continued to increase and other economic indicators such as industrial production and retail sales are showing a negative trend. To me it is clear that if I am elected as an MEP job creation and the economy will continue to be my number one priority.”
Mallia however said he wants to be the first MEP to directly represent the fisheries and agricultural sectors, two sectors he said are facing particular difficulties and need more support.
He also wants to work the rights of disabled people with a special emphasis on their employment. “We should be looking at their abilities and not their disabilities. They are an important resource for the country but above all, people with disability should be offered the dignity of having a meaningful job just like any other person.”
Mallia voiced his concern at the behaviour of the Labour government towards the EU. “I want to live in a country where one can express a different point of view without fear and where opportunities are open to one and all and not only to those who have political alliances. Government is moving away from the values that have formed our identity. It is evident that this government is not at all comfortable with the European Union values of transparency, good governance and meritocracy and this does not bode well for our future.”
Mallia first entered the political fray as Vice-President of the European Movement, campaigning in favour of Malta’s EU Membership. His career has since focused on European Affairs where he works on EU fund and projects. He presently represents Employers on the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). He also served as Vice President and President of the Malta Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise.