‘Money no solution’ for migration influx says Labour MEP
MEP Marlene Mizzi welcomes funds but says that money is not a solution to Malta’s problem of immigration influx

Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi has welcomed a vote taken in the European Parliament for more allocation of funds to Malta on migration, but qualified that more funds would not solve Malta’s “problem”.
The total amount allocated to Malta withe the EU’s 2014-2020 multiannual financial framework is almost €80 million, an additional €15 million to the previous amount given by the EP.
“Something is being done and Malta’s problems are being recognized, but this is not enough to stop Malta from demanding concrete action,” Mizzi said.
€53 million of the funds go under the Internal Security Fund (External Borders and visas), €17 million under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund; and €9 million under the Internal Security Fund (Police).
“Funds are important but do not solve our problem. The problem of influx of immigrants, sailing in rust buckets, and risking their lives, must be solved before the summer sets in. We must not be blinded into forgetting that the real problem is stopping them from crossing and re allocation of these people to countries where they can find a dignified future.”