MEP candidates encouraged to sign anti-racism pledge
The People for Change Foundation calls on candidates to sign pledge against racism and xenophobia

MEP candidates have been encouraged to take a stand against racism and to ensure that their respective electoral campaigns do not promote or instigate racism and xenophobia.
However, the People for Change for Foundation has called on candidates to sign a pledge against racism and to ensure that their political discourse do not promote or instigate racism.
The pledge calls on candidates to send a consistent and clear message that they reject racism and also called on the candidates from all political parties to deal topics pertinent to migration and ethnic minorities “responsibly and fairly.”
In addition, the Foundation is also appealing the candidates to adopt sensitive language when discussing migration to avoid fuelling xenophobia, and unfounded fear and panic.
“The pledge also calls on candidates to condemn any statements that incite hatred on the grounds of one’s ascribed race, ethnicity or national origin. Candidates are also encouraged to refrain from political alliance or association with any political party, or organization that incites ethnic prejudice and racial hatred,” the Foundation said.
Four candidates representing all three political parties have already signed the pledge.