Make your choice: which candidate matches your votes?
Electio2014 and VoteWatch's vote comparison system helps you match your views to that of incumbent MEPs and candidates.

By voting on 20 important issues that Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have also voted on in the last five years, you can find out which sitting MEP or new candidate most closely matches your views.
Electio2014 selected 20 votes which have generated a lot of discussion, both inside and outside the European Parliament. Most are legislative (binding) votes, some are not. Some are on full documents, some are on important paragraphs.
"Our selection is by definition subjective. In order to make this tool easy to use and understand, we have simplified the titles of the votes. To see the full title, click on ‘Explanation’ on each vote page. For a full explanation and understanding of the votes, users should refer to the VoteWatch Europe website (, and to the full text of the proposals that were voted on."
For sitting MEPs, the 20 answers are based on their public voting record. New candidates are included once they have completed an online questionnaire containing the same 20 questions.
Only new candidates who have completed the questionnaire are included in the tool. If you are a candidate who would like to be included in the tool, ocntact
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