15 candidates submit nomination for EP elections
Far-rightist Norman Lowell and tal-Ajkla candidate Zaren Bonnici among MEP hopefuls.

Fifteen candidates have submitted their nomination for next month’s European Parliament elections, the electoral commission announced on Tuesday evening.
Six candidates must be elected to represent Malta in the European Parliament.
Among the MEP hopefuls are far-rightist Norman Lowell, Imperium Europa candidate Antoine Galea, Arlette Baldacchino, Alleanza Liberali candidate Jean Pierre Sammut and tal-Ajkla candidate Zaren Bonnici.
The other nominations include PN candidates Ray Bugeja, David Casa, Kevin Cutajar, Helga Ellul, Roberta Metsola, Norman Vella and Francis Zammit Dimech.
Labour candidates Peter Cordina, Ivan Grixti and Fleur Vella submitted their nomination as well.