MEP hopefuls underline need to strengthen competitiveness
Economic growth, environmental protection, and social responsibility should be priority for the next European Parliament legislature, MEP candidates argue

A political debate, held by the Malta Business Bureau, highlighted the need to safeguard competitiveness through economic growth, environmental protection, and social responsibility.
The debate, entitled ‘European Elections – Debating the Real European Issues’ focused on issues at a European level which will be tackled by the newly elected European Parliament.
MEP candidates, from the three main political parties participated in the debate with Marlene Mizzi representing Labour, Helga Ellul the Nationalist Party and Carmel Cacopardo for Alternattiva Demokratika.
All three candidates agreed that reducing national budget deficits is of extreme importance in order to maintain a competitive environment for business.
Energy policy was one of the key issues discussed, with particular reference being made to the European Renewable Energy Community being proposed by the European Green Party.
The Green Party candidate Carmel Cacopardo said this proposal aims at addressing the need to stimulate the green economy in renewable energy.
“Setting up a Renewable Energy Community would go a long way to facilitate research and innovation in the sector, while paving the way for commercially viable projects which could produce renewable energy,” he said.
PN hopeful Helga Ellul pointed out that the European People’s Party believes that economic stimulus and austerity should go hand in hand.
“We must consolidate our finances and control public spending. There must be a very fine balance between austerity and economic stimulus,” she said.
On the issue of the business environment, it was stressed that job creation is crucial. However, this can only come about if the right conditions are created for SMEs to be able to grow further, leading to increased employment.
Outgoing Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi cited the ten-point plan drawn up by the Socialist Party in the European Parliament, entitled ‘Europe Back to Work’ which aims to facilitate such measures.
“The fulcrum of this ten-point plan is the SMEs themselves. Jobs cannot be created without the optimum environment being created for SMEs to grow,” Mizzi argued.
George Vella, President of the Malta Business Bureau, concluded the event by citing the importance of constant communication between the newly elected MEPs and their teams, and business intermediary bodies such as the MBB.
“It is imperative that the newly elected MEPs keep a solid link with Maltese business. In return, Maltese businesses should take a more active role in the design of European legislation through their MEPs,” Vella said.