AD calls for a consensual national immigration policy
Now is the time for the drafting of a consensual national immigration policy, the Green Party candidate for European elections Carmel Cacopardo said today

Green Party deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo, who will be contesting the election together with AD chairperson Arnold Cassola, todal called for cross-party consensus on migration.
He said that all parties should enter into discussions to formulate a draft national immigration policy which could serve as the basis for national consensus on this sensitive matter.
"An elected AD MEP would certainly contribute to facilitate such dialogue both locally and within the European institutions," Cacopardo said.
Addressing the last press conference before Saturday’s European Parliament elections, Alternattiva Demokratika candidate Carmel Cacopardo said that during the campaign, unlike other parties the Greens focused on issues which while being of direct relevance to Malta also form part of the EU agenda.
Digital rights and the accountability/transparency of the European institutions will be essential features of the forthcoming European Parliament term. By focusing on these issues AD sought to engage politically on relevant issues with the other parties contesting these elections. Unfortunately both the PN as well as the PL were more interested in mudslinging each other than engaging in serious political discussion.
"AD has also had the opportunity to comment on the declarations made by Jean Claude Junker and Martin Schultz, EU Commission President candidates for the EPP and the European Socialist Party respectively,” he added.
While welcoming the public comments made by both Junker and Schultz, Cacopardo said “it is to be noted that these comments do not result from their respective party Electoral Manifestos,” adding that EU border states should not continue shouldering the responsibility for migration on their own.
“Amending the Dublin rules together with the formulation and approval of an holistic EU migration policy which shifts the responsibility for migrants crossing the EU borders to all 28 member states is the way forward."
Cacopardo emphasised that during this campaign, pursuant to the declarations of Junker and Schultz, the political position of both Labour and the PN are now closer to that of AD then they have ever been before.