21,856 voting documents left uncollected
Increase in uncollected documents registered as Malta prepares to take part in its third European Parliament elections

21,856 voting documents were not collected, the Electoral Commission has confirmed.
The figure means an increase of 5,994 uncollected documents when compared to the 2009 European elections and 11,722 when compared to the 2004 elections.
In 2009, 15,862 voting documents for the EP elections remained uncollected - over 5,000 more than the 10,134 voting documents not collected in the first EP elections held in Malta in 2004.
A total of 344,374, including 7,880 EU citizens, were eligible to vote on Saturday. The number of uncollected documents is equal to 6.3% of the total eligible voters.
The Electoral Commission also reminded that the use of mobile phones, cameras and photographic equipment in polling places is prohibited. Anyone found contravening this regulation shall have the equipment confiscated.
The 13 districts making up Malta and Gozo will be considered as one district, therefore the first official first count is expected to be out between 1am and 2am on the night between Sunday and Monday.
However, it is expected that by 2pm – latest 3pm – the political parties will know which party has won the majority.
The opening of boxes and reconciliation of ballots will start on Saturday evening at 10pm, with the first coach carrying the ballot boxes from the polling stations expected at 11pm.
Sorting of the ballot sheets with the votes placed in the candidates’ respective pigeon holes according to the first preference vote will start at noon.
An estimate forecast places the quota at around 35,000.