Miriam Dalli confirmed on four EP committees
Labour MEP pledges to work with “active particpation” in the EP Committees she was appointed to.

Labour MEP Miriam Dalli was this morning confirmed as a member of four different committees within the European Parliament. Dalli was appointed on the Environent, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI) – the first time that a Maltese MEP will represent the country on this committee – the committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Civil Liberties and Justice and will also join fellow Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi on the Petitions Commitee.
On her appointment to ENVI, Dalli said that she was pleased to form part of a committee which focused on issues which were of great importance for EU citizens. “The work of this committee has a direct effect on the lives of many people and I will make sure, with my active particpation, to tackle these issues.”
“The environment and the energy sector are linked together, especially at a time when politics on energy is essential,” she said. “It is for this reason that I chose to wrok within these two committees.”
Dalli added that, through her role within the Civil Liberties and Justice Committee, she would work towards finding a common political framework on immigration.
Meanwhile, Alfred Sant - the Head of the Labour delegation in the European Parliament - was appointed on the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, as well as the Budgets Committee.