MEP calls for European funding for interconnector projects
‘Energy security needs Mediterranean focus’, Miriam Dalli tells EP on energy union

Miriam Dalli has been chosen by the S&D group as one of the MEPs working on the European energy security strategy, the cornerstone for the formulation of the energy union which the European Commission is working on.
'The fact that I come from Malta, a small European island state with an isolated energy system helps me to understand how energy security cannot be taken for granted,” Dalli told the EP.
In the light of geo-political developments in the east of Europe and the fact that energy remains a crucial commodity in all societies, the EU is preparing for what has been dubbed an ‘Energy Union’ and the European energy security strategy is the basis for such a union.
Dalli spoke of five priorities, with diversification of energy sources heading the list. “I believe that there is potential for synergies between North Africa, the East of the Mediterranean and the EU, which has not yet been exploited. Some resources are already in existence while others are being discovered. It is for this reason that the concept of a Mediterranean Gas Hub must be given priority on the European agenda.”
Dalli also spoke of the development of alternative fuels in order to have cleaner transport systems and the increased use of electric cars, and of the development of new forms of renewable energy such as wave energy, floating photovoltaic panels and biofuels produced from algae.
“I believe that solidarity and trust are of utmost importance in the field of energy. We need a gas and electricity network throughout Europe, where no member state will be isolated,” Dalli said, appealing for European funding instruments for interconnection projects which are of European common interest but fail the market test, and from which Malta could benefit.