Juncker investment roadshow for Malta visit
Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech meets EU Vice President Jyrki Katainen to discuss Commission roadshow that will brief Maltese stakeholders on the €315 billion Juncker Investment Plan

Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech met EU Vice President Jyrki Katainen in Brussels earlier this week to discuss the Commission roadshow that will brief Maltese stakeholders on the €315 billion Juncker Investment Plan.
Grech, who also met EU Commission First Vice President Frans Timmermans, discussed national and European issues of common interest with both Commissioners.
Grech brief Katainen on Malta’s economic performance last year, and on the outlook for a continuing buoyant growth, with hopes that the island exits the excessive deficit procedure.
Grech and Katainen both agreed that it was essential that the investment contemplated in the Juncker Plan be implemented within a short time-frame.
“I await with interest the Commission’s proposals to develop a Capital Markets Union, making it easier for European enterprises to access capital anywhere in the Union, but contended that further deepening of the Single Market was also essential,” Grech said.
In discussions with Timmermans, Grech discussed the role of national parliaments and suggested that the Commission engage in a constructive dialogue with each member state rather than prescriptive solutions, particularly on the EC’s Country Specific Recommendations
Grech also told Timmermans that the EU needed to pay particular attention to developments in Libya.
Malta is looking forward to the Commission’s proposals on the next steps on migration. “Irregular migration is not simply a Mediterranean issue, but one that has serious implications for the whole of the Union, including the integrity of its borders. There needs to be a proper balance between integration of migrants and burden-sharing within the Union. It was agreed that migration should remain on the European agenda given its importance and wider implications.”