European Parliament industry committee adopts Blue Economy strategy
"Blue economy should go hand in hand with the protection of the environment," MEP Miriam Dalli

The European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy has accepted proposals presented by Maltese MEP Miriam Dalli. The proposals focused on the advancement of the Blue economy, including in favour of coordinating all the different aspects of the maritime sector and the blue economy under one agency among others.
Dalli has been very active on the formulation of this policy and she has worked on addressing the way the blue economy policy is currently fragmented across different entities and agencies, so that currently there is no coherent policy in this area.
A statement issued by Dall’s office, points out that another proposal spearheaded by the MEP, which has been approved by the industry committee, focuses on the need for cleaner fuels, such as liquefied natural gas, which can be used by the shipping industry.
“The maritime economy should not grow at the detriment of our natural environment. It is satisfactory that this report emphasizes the need for the blue economy to go hand in hand with the protection of the environment including through the use of innovative methods on how to keep our seas clean and free from environmentally harmful waste such as plastic and micro-plastic which are currently damaging our oceans,” the statement reads.
“Malta in particular will directly benefit from a stronger link between the development of the blue economy and tourism,” she added.
Dalli put forward a number of proposals which provide further emphasis on the tourism sector of islands and coastal areas in Europe, and which also give due importance to the promotion of maritime heritage to encourage a level playing field for EU member States, and third countries.
Dalli also proposed that the EU carries out studies that adequately address developments in the aquacultural industry, together with scientific analysis to determine the extent of the EU’s blue economy so as to avoid replicating work already carried out and waste resources.
The statement added that all these proposals were approved.
“By approving this policy, we are giving a clear signal to the European Commission that we expect a new sound policy for the EU about the Blue Economy,” Dalli said.
“We need to ensure that we are properly addressing this economic niche in order to register strong economic growth and create more job opportunities.”
She explained that an updated and realistic policy on this sector would be beneficial for Malta.
“We are acting in favour of a coherent policy whilst ensuring that the competences of the Member States are respected," she added following the approval of the report..
Referring to the new, recently launched strategy for Malta's maritime economy, Dalli also commended the Parliamentary Secretary for Economic Growth, Jose Herrera's work in this sector.