Austria may see far-right in government
Sebastian Kurz from the Conservative People's Party is set to become the world’s youngest leader but the 31-year-old may have to govern with the far-right Freedom Party,...
Sant warns against EU federalism: ‘Small member states’ voice will be silenced’
Former prime minister and Labour MEP says Malta faces major dilemma with greater EU control
Sant abstains in tax disclosure EP vote, argues tax flexibility required for economic activity

'EU member states with limited endowments must rely on tax flexibility to promote economic activity' - Alfred Sant

'EU member states with limited endowments must...

Amnesty blames EU for 'soaring' migrant death toll

Amnesty International has blamed 'failing EU policies' for the...

Amnesty International has blamed 'failing EU...

EU commission unveils migrant ‘action plan’ for Italy

The European Commission unveiled a new plan to help Italy cope with a...

The European Commission unveiled a new plan to...

EU clears Italy's €5.4 billion state bailout for Monte dei Paschi

The EU has approved a €5.4 billion bailout of Italy's troubled...

The EU has approved a €5.4 billion bailout of...

If it made things ‘simpler’, Muscat would take blame for migration

Malta’s prime minister says EU leaders are to blame for lack of solidarity among member states on irregular migration

Malta’s prime minister says EU leaders are to blame...

Poor MEP attendance for Malta’s end-of-presidency speech raises Juncker’s ire

Jean-Claude Juncker lashes out at ‘ridiculous’ European Parliament after only 30 MEPs turned up for Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s...

Jean-Claude Juncker lashes out at ‘ridiculous’...

EU holds migration crisis talks as Italy threatens to close ports

European ministers are to meet for crisis talks as Italy warns the influx of...

European ministers are to meet for crisis talks as Italy...

Malta's EU presidency secures broad political agreement on setting up EU asylum agency

The agreement is part of the EU's efforts to have a fully-fledged EU Agency for Asylum that is better able to respond to challenges posed by irregular...

The agreement is part of the EU's efforts to have a...

Brexit could cost EU €20 billion, commissioner warns

Günther Oettinger, the European commissioner for the budget, said the loss...

Günther Oettinger, the European commissioner for the...

EU fines Google record €2.42 billion for breaching competition rules

The European Union has fined Google €2.42 billion for breaching competition rules in online shopping service

The European Union has fined Google €2.42 billion for...

Energy ministers agree on revised directives for energy efficiency, buildings performance

Maltese presidency of the EU’s energy council secures two agreements targeting directives on energy efficiency and the energy performance of buildings

Maltese presidency of the EU’s energy council secures...

European Court of Auditors head in Malta on Europe-wide ‘roadshow’

Finance Minister Edward Scicluna warns against taking the European institution for granted 

Finance Minister Edward Scicluna warns against taking the...

What will happen to EU citizens after Brexit?

British Prime Minister Theresa May reassured European leaders that none of the...

British Prime Minister Theresa May reassured European...

Theresa May makes 'fair and serious' offer on rights of EU citizens in UK

Theresa May made a 'fair and serious offer' to European Union leaders over the contentious issue of the future rights of EU...

Theresa May made a 'fair and serious...

Inspired by John Lennon, EU's Donald Tusk ‘imagines’ no Brexit

European Council President Donald Tusk suggests that the door remains open to...

European Council President Donald Tusk suggests that the...

German MEP claims Prime Minister 'stimulated socialist dinosaurs' to attack him

German MEP Werner Langen brushes off criticism, telling MaltaToday that he cannot take the personal reproaches of 'socialists in the Maltese press'...

German MEP Werner Langen brushes off criticism, telling...

Theresa May to outline guarantees for EU expats in Britain

UK Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to offer a quick agreement on...

UK Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to offer a quick...

The EU’s own army? 55% of Maltese say ‘yes’

55% of the Maltese say they favour the creation of an EU army, according to a...

55% of the Maltese say they favour the creation of an EU...