Europe ‘lies in a state of uncertainty’, Alfred Sant warns
Each community must define its vital interests, Labour MEP tells conference

Europe lies in a state of uncertainty in managing its economy, in consolidating its achievements, in strengthening its monetary and economic union and in containing the challenges presented by irregular immigration, according to Labour MEP Alfred Sant.
Sant, who was addressing a conference organized by the ‘National Student Travel Foundation’ in Valletta, said that in the current circumstances it is important that each community, each nation defines its vital interests.
“This should not be adhered to solely by politicians but also by citizens and civil society anywhere in Europe, where they can voice their opinion,” Sant said.
Sant said it was vital for everyone to understand and convey the importance of national interest to other societies. Meetings, contacts and exchange of views between young people and Maltese citizens, as portrayed in communication networks during the years, are crucial to promote this message.
“It is essential that these contacts and lines of communication be strengthened and remain active,” he added.
The activity was also addressed by MEPs Roberta Metsola and Therese Commodini Cachia while guests included former Prime Minister Lawrence Grech and Francis Zammit Dimech MP.