Dalli: less emissions, cleaner energy to control climate change

'Handing out free emission allowances that exempt industries from reducing emissions is not a solution'

Labour MEP Miriam Dalli
Labour MEP Miriam Dalli

If implemented properly the Energy proposals put forward by the European Commission before summer of this year can be a very important pillar of the EU's pledge for the UN Climate Conference COP21 which is going to be held in Paris.

Addressing the European Parliamentary session on the Energy Summer Package held in Brussels, Labour MEP Miriam Dalli said that the proposals put forward introduce an innovative concept since they put households and consumers at the heart of the European energy transition.

She referred to the Emissions Trading Scheme that the European Union describes as a main pillar of the EU Climate Policy. This scheme puts a price on carbon that big plants emit. Dalli said that the EU needs a reformed ETS that sets a price on carbon, which encourages polluters to clean up their act.

She sustained that the challenges that ETS poses for industry has to be addressed in the upcoming discussions.

"Handing out free emission allowances that exempt industries from reducing emissions is not a solution," Dalli said.

Dalli said that other energy initiatives need to be implemented so that pollution is controlled whilst industry is protected in all EU Member States.

She emphasised the need to apply energy efficiency for household appliances, a move, which empowers consumers to take the right decisions.

"We need all tools available to make sure that the EU will reach its 2030 energy and climate targets, without ignoring industrial sector concerns while sending a strong message to our global partners ahead of the Paris Climate Conference claiming that 'yes' the EU is an unquestionable leader," Dalli said.