Dalli to lead S&D negotiations on Dublin revamp
Labour MEP will lead S&D negotiations on a potential revamp of Europe's Dublin Regulation on asylum seekers.
Labour MEP Miriam Dalli has been chosen to be the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) lead negotiator on the legislative revamp of the European Commissions Dublin Regulation.
The report will focus on the development of a permanent crisis relocation mechanism that can be activated in any member state, should an extraordinary influx of asylum seekers seeking international protection arrive in the EU.
“We need a mechanism which will alleviate the problem faced by border states such as Malta in case of a migration crisis,” Dalli said in comments following her appointment. “Malta already went through such a situation some years back, but back then no effective relocation mechanism was triggered. That’s why we need a permanent mechanism which will help countries facing an emergency situation.”
The report will be one of the first legislative dossiers proposed as part of the European Agenda on Migration adopted by the EC in May. According to the Dublin Regulation, the first EU member states in which asylum seekers land are responsible for processing their asylum requests. It has been sharply criticised over the years by southern Mediterranean member states, who used to bear the absolute brunt of asylum seekers travelling from Turkey and North Africa.
“With this report, the European Commission is giving us the mandate to start addressing the Dublin Regulation,” Dalli said. “We need to ensure that such a relocation mechanism works effectively and takes into account member states’ individual situations. It is extremely important that the size of the Member State is taken into account and this is one of the points that I will be pushing for.”