Brexit could be delayed ‘until end of 2019’

Britain’s exit from the EU could be delayed until 2019 as government is not yet ready, the Sunday Times reports

Britain’s exit from the European Union could be delayed until at least 2019, ministers have privately warned senior figures, the Sunday Times reported, citing sources who were briefed by ministers.

Britain voted to leave the EU on June 23 after 52% votes Leave, but views differ over when it should invoke “Article 50”, which sets in train the formal two years of negotiations for Britain to leave the EU, with some senior politicians calling for a quick departure.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who campaigned for Britain to remain in the EU and leads a cabinet of ministers from either side of the debate, had been expected to enact Article 50 but said she will not trigger Brexit talks this year as Britain needs time to prepare.

But British government ministers have warned senior figures in the City of London, London’s financial district, that despite great political pressure for May to stick immediately enact article 50, the prime minister may be forced to delay because her new Brexit and international trade departments will not be ready.

The Sunday Times also reported that May is also unlikely to trigger Article 50 becase the situation in government was “chaotic”.

"Ministers are now thinking the [Article 50] trigger could be delayed until autumn 2017," one source, who had spoken to two senior ministers, told the newspaper.

"They don't have the infrastructure for the people they need to hire. They say they don't even know the right questions to ask when they finally begin bargaining with Europe."

Asked about the reported delay to triggering Article 50, a Number 10 spokeswoman said: "The Prime Minister has been clear that a top priority for this government is to deliver the decision of the British people to leave the EU and make a success of Brexit."

"The PM has set out the government's position on Article 50 and has established a new department dedicated to taking forward the negotiations," she said.

European leaders have taken a firm line on the speed of Britain's exit, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel saying that while it was understandable that Britain would need a few months to figure out its strategy, "nobody wants a long period of limbo".

But behind the scenes, there has been a growing realization in Europe's capitals that the two-year window for negotiating Brexit is far too short.

Britain created two new government departments to handle Brexit and international trade, led by David Davis and Liam Fox, two prominent "Leave" campaigners in the referendum.

French and German elections are also being cited as a cause for delay. Britain might not invoke article 50 until France has voted next May or even until the German poll in September.

The prospect of a year’s delay will anger hard-line Eurosceptic Conservative MPs and “leave” voters who expected a speedy Brexit. It is also likely draw criticism from the pro-leave side of May's Conservative party, with senior members such as John Redwood calling for a quick departure from the bloc.