Petition requesting new MEPs’ investigation on Malta to remain open
European Parliament petition filed four days after Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination

A petition to the European Parliament calling for an investigation as to whether the Maltese government is violating the rights of journalists will remain open after a decision taken by MEPs in the petitions committee.
The decision was after MEPs voted seven to five, not to close the petition despite Labour MEPs’ insistence that the petition’s spirit was already endorsed by the work on rule of law being undertaken by MEPs from the civil liberties (LIBE) committee.
The petition claims that the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was “one of many ‘executions’ over the past decade” that calls into question Maltese democracy, and suggests Malta was “no longer a democratic state as required under EU law” due to its problems with corruption.
The petition was filed four days after the assassination of Caruana Galizia by a UK national residing in the United States.
Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola insisted the petition should remain open because although various committees gave sought to associate themselves with LIBE’s own work on rule of law in Malta, the PETI committee “truly represents what citizens want” and should therefore forge ahead with the petition.
On her part, Labour MEP Miriam Dalli argued for the petition to be closed, saying LIBE’s work on rule of law had already advanced considerably, with a working group dealing with rule of law in Malta that will probably send another mission to Malta.
A resolution and a report, as well as two debates in the EP, have already taken place on the subject of rule of law in Malta. “The investigations are ongoing and this House is looking into the matter thoroughly.”
Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi said the work by the LIBE committee should not be multiplied. “All action has already been taken either by the LIBE committee or the Maltese authorities… the government is leaving no stone unturned.”