European Citizen Prize rewards those who embody European values
Dar tal-Providenza embodies the best values that we as Maltese and Europeans hold dear including solidarity with those who are in need

As a Member of the European Parliament, it is my duty to fulfil a number of roles, all aimed at improving the lives of all European citizens including legislating and amending laws. Yet, as part of the European Parliament, we also have the opportunity to promote what is good and what makes us proud to be European.
The European Citizen’s Prize gives us the opportunity once a year to put the spotlight on those people and organisations who work hard to make our world a little better and encourage others to follow their example. There are many worthy institutions and organisations which give their all so that our society can help those who need it the most, and so for the winner to be chosen from these people, it truly means that they are deserving of this prize.
Dar tal-Providenza and its project “Monument of Mercy” proved to all the European Institutions what we Maltese were already privileged to know. Since its founding in 1965, it has been providing homes with a family-like environment for persons with disability who could not live with their family and peace of mind for their loved ones, knowing that they are loved and cared for each moment of the day.
The European Union as an institution is proud of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the charter, which enshrines political, social, and economic rights for European citizens and residents in EU law. The everyday work done at Dar Tal-Providenza and its mission for providing individualised long term and respite residential services to persons with disabilities along with providing holistic personal development truly embodies the values established in the Charter.
In my work as an MEP, I strive to ensure that persons with disabilities in the European Union have all the opportunities and rights they deserve to succeed in their life and where possible also be able to live and be integrated fully in the community. Dar Tal-Providenza is the perfect example of providing the resources required to their residents, giving them the opportunity to live in our communities while feeling safe and secure. Through its residences and community homes, 115 residents with various forms of disability starting from a young age to older citizens are hosted and given a loving environment they can call home.
Dar Tal-Providenza has always depended on the contributions raised through fundraising activities to pay its expenses which last year alone amounted to €5 million. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, there has been a drastic decline in donations, which has made things even more difficult in such challenging time. While I do ask everyone to be generous and help out where they can, I must commend the management team for coming up with the idea of the donation drive for mobile phones which gave the opportunity for residents to meet their loved ones virtually.
There are plenty of living examples where satisfied and happy residents and their loved ones one can show us why Dar Tal-Providenza truly deserves this European Citizen’s Prize. Dar tal-Providenza embodies the best values that we as Maltese and Europeans hold dear including solidarity with those who are in need. Their excellent work in exceptionally difficult circumstances with the most vulnerable in our society displays the best of EU and also provides an example for all of us to follow. I cannot think of anyone more deserving that Dar Tal-Providenza to win this European Citizen’s Prize.

This article is part of a content series called Ewropej. This is a multi-newsroom initiative part-funded by the European Parliament to bring the work of the EP closer to the citizens of Malta and keep them informed about matters that affect their daily lives. This article reflects only the author’s view. The action was co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the European Parliament's grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action.