David Casa appointed rapporteur on €70 billion Social Climate Fund
Nationalist MEP David Casa will be EP rapporteur on €70 billion fund investing in social and climate investments as part of the Fit-for-55 package combatting climate change

Nationalist MEP David Casa has been appointed the European Parliament’s rapporteur on the €70 billion Social Climate Fund.
“I am delighted to be able to contribute toward a social transition in our fight against climate change. The Fund paves the way for more than €70 billion worth in social and climate investments, under a plan for the EU to match Member State funding,” Casa said.
He will be reporting to the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), of which he is member. The Fund is linked with other proposals, including capping emissions and the move towards greener sources of energy for transport, heating, and cooling. It also forms part of the Fit-for-55 package, the EU’s legislative combating climate change.
“As the European Union makes strides with the Fit-for-55 package, the Social Climate Fund ensures nobody gets left behind,” Casa explained. He said the Fund will aid towards the cut down of CO2 and greenhouse emissions, whilst not ignoring its social commitments.
This will be the second major fund of which MEP Casa is the EP’s Rapporteur during this legislature, after he successfully negotiated the €90 billion European Social Fund Plus.
He will work alongside Dutch EPP MEP Esther De Lange, to deliver a joint report on the Social Climate Fund proposal by the first half of 2022.
“Regulating emissions and moving towards zero- or low-emission infrastructure for road transport and buildings will be costly. What we want to avoid is adversely impacting the most vulnerable households, the most vulnerable enterprises, and the most vulnerable transport users.”
While the funds are earmarked to be distributed from 2025, Casa highlighted ongoing efforts to bring this date forward.

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