Bernard Grech: ‘PN is the only shield workers have’
Nationalist Party unveils EP election campaign slogan, ‘For You’ • Metsola: ‘Do not lose hope, not all politicians are the same’

The Nationalist Party is the “only shield workers have in this country”, Bernard Grech said at the start of the European election campaign in Mosta.
The PN leader dedicated a good part of his speech the latest developments in the hospitals inquiry and the Prime Minister’s attack on the judiciary.
He insisted that the Labour Party’s problems have become the country’s problems because “this is a government that wants to protect itself rather than the people”.

“The devil’s pact is unravelling and the victims are us, the people,” Grech said, adding the PN will hold the government responsible for robbing the country. “They know what the inquiry concluded because they know what they did; they and the foreigners they sold the Maltese people’s health to, robbed us from €400 million.”
Grech was speaking at a modest PN gathering in Ġnien l-Għarusa tal-Mosta where the campaign slogan For You (Għalik) was unveiled.
The PN leader saluted the memory of Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was murdered just across the valley from where the activity was being held.
“It was thanks to her that corruption started being uncovered. But the PN took up the battle with Simon Busuttil. And then Adrian Delia opened the court case to get the hospitals deal cancelled and now we are back in court to bring back the €400 million of public funds spent on the deal,” Grech said.

In a nod to Workers’ Day, Grech said the government had forgotten about workers and reiterated the PN’s proposals to alleviate the cost of living burden, including not taxing the cost of living increase.
“Everybody agrees with us on this; even the General Workers’ Union. Only Robert Abela disagrees,” he insisted.
Turning to the European Parliament election, Grech urged people to vote for all PN candidates because they will “represent the Maltese with pride”.
“We achieved a lot with two MEPs, let alone what we will achieve with three,” he said, in a nod to veteran PN MEP David Casa and EP President Roberta Metsola.
The event closed with the national anthem but a few supporters voiced their disappointment with party officials that the PN anthem was not played once throughout the activity.
Metsola: ‘Do not lose hope’

Roberta Metsola, who took to the podium before Grech, reached out to those who feel “betrayed” by those politicians they trusted. It was a reference to those who voted for the Labour Party and are angry over the hospitals debacle that could see criminal charges pressed against former prime minister Joseph Muscat, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri.
“Do not lose hope in politics and politicians; not all of us are the same,” she said, urging these voters not to lose hope. “On the contrary, use your anger to bring about change.”
Metsola also reached out to rule of law activists, who feel vindicated by the latest developments in the Vitals inquiry.
“Being proved right without justice is meaningless and justice does not mean being vindictive,” she said, adding that the Nationalist Party was determined that justice is done.
“We want justice because whoever you are and whatever you did, you should be accountable,” she said, emphasising that Malta is passing through “a test of maturity”.
“The attacks on the judiciary shame the person who did them,” she said in reference to Prime Minister Robert Abela’s tirade against the magistrate who carried out the hospitals inquiry.
“We are on the side of righteousness and justice, and we will remain so. We always wave the Maltese flag proudly, the flag that represents this country’s integrity. I am Maltese and proud to be so and cannot accept someone who tarnishes this country’s reputation,” Metsola said.
She urged voters to bring about change and vote for all PN candidates on 8 June.
Supporters were addressed by all PN candidates with incumbent MEP David Casa warning the government that he will stand in its way if it tries to undermine the judiciary and harm the justice process.
The live transmission of the event on Net Telvision and on the Nationalist Party's Facebook page was interrupted due to technical difficulties.

This article is part of a content series called Ewropej. This is a multi-newsroom initiative part-funded by the European Parliament to bring the work of the EP closer to the citizens of Malta and keep them informed about matters that affect their daily lives. This article reflects only the author’s view. The action was co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the European Parliament's grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action.