Election Playbook: Yes to Europe, no to legroom apparently
Metsola collabs with Lufthansa and the Gozo banner bandits are caught (kind of) – here’s your day 13 election round-up

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Responsible citizenship note: A little announcement in the name responsible voting. If you’re going to be abroad or in hospital on voting day (8 June), you can register for early voting. This would allow you to cast your vote on 1 June instead. If you want to make use of this service, you can sign up here or head to the electoral commission office to make the declaration in person. If you’re doing the latter, make sure to take your ID card with you. In either case, you have up until 31 May to apply for early voting.
Europhiles rise up: According to a MaltaToday survey, people rated Malta’s experience in the European Union as a 3.2 out of five stars. The difference in ratings between Labour and PN voters is pretty miniscule, although as expected, Nationalist voters rate the experience a little higher. We also asked our survey respondents to rate the Labour and Nationalist MEPs over the years, and it’s the Labour euro-parliamentarians that have better captured the electorate’s hearts. Although, this is largely explained by Labour-voting respondents giving particularly low ratings to the Nationalist MEPs.
Metsola x Lufthansa collab: A few weeks ago I said I was playing a bit of election bingo. And guess what? A President Metsola x Lufthansa collaboration on a new livery on its aircraft for the European election was not on it. And why would it? Reader – does a large multinational airline with ‘Yes to Europe’ spread across the side of its aircraft inspire you to go out and vote? Given the joint initiative is called ‘Take a stand – strengthen democracy’, some extra legroom would have been more appreciated.

The banner bandits saga: Last week, we reported on a case of banner bandits in Gozo. Arnold Cassola and Peter Agius had complained about their election banners being removed and stolen from various places in Malta, but particularly in Gozo. But it’s good news for Cassola now, after the Gozo police informed him that his two banners stolen from Mġarr and Xewkija were recovered during a clean-up on the occasion of the President's visit to Gozo. However, while the culprits' car is visible on CCTV, the car number is not clear. The banner bandits could strike again!

What’s happening today?: MaltaToday and Lovin Malta is hosting a debate in Mosta with the following MEPs: Steve Ellul (PL), Lee Bugeja Bartolo (PN), Ralph Cassar (ADPD), Matthias Iannis Portelli (Volt), Simon Mercieca (Independent). This debate will be livestreamed on our socials. Another debate is being held by Pulse at University with the following speakers: Marija Sara Vella Gafa (PL), Alex Agius Saliba (PL), Miriana Calleja Testaferrata De Noto (PN), Peter Agius (PN), Mina Jack Tolu (ADPD), Conrad Borg Manche (Independent), Arnold Cassola (Independent). Meanwhile, the Nationalist Party is holding roadshows in Pembroke and Mtarfa at 6pm and 6:30pm respectively. The Labour Party is holding a community event at 5:30pm in Ħal Għaxaq and a separate event in Santa Luċija at 6:30pm.

This article is part of a content series called Ewropej. This is a multi-newsroom initiative part-funded by the European Parliament to bring the work of the EP closer to the citizens of Malta and keep them informed about matters that affect their daily lives. This article reflects only the author’s view. The action was co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the European Parliament's grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action.