The Q&A: Meet Louise Anne Pulis
Louise Anne Pulis is a Nationalist Party MEP election candidate

Is the European Union relevant to the Maltese?
When Malta joined the EU, most understood that the country and the people could reap huge benefits. Those who do not remember our country outside the EU take these benefits for granted. However, we must protect the benefits already acquired and those that we stand to acquire, as they are not automatic.
Funding for each member state is conditional on that member state’s performance on the upholding of democracy and the rule of law, and on the protection of fundamental human rights, including those of minorities.
Notwithstanding all the consequences we have endured since the brutal assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the government still refuses to implement GRECO’s recommendations, it still refuses to implement the conclusions of the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry. The precautionary resolutions of the European Parliament against Malta on the state of Democracy and the Rule of Law keep coming. There could be sanctions which would include the withholding of funding.
The Maltese government and the few who have hijacked it are not the Maltese state and ergo not the Maltese people. Thus, the Maltese people, should not be made to suffer any more consequences for the actions of their government.
The Maltese Electorate is motivated by issues which are local and often partisan, does this not make it more difficult for you to campaign?
People have similar experiences across most EU countries and Europe is in essence a big village. Indeed, the present situation, has tainted the campaign with the stench of corruption and partisan tribalism, which does not help.
The Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry found the Cabinet guilty of creating a climate of impunity which facilitated her assassination. This turbulent situation creates uncertainty and fear, which are toxic to commerce, investment, sentiment and the national serenity. Can we afford to have our reputation dragged through the mud all over again?
In today’s world, what happens in Malta does not stay in Malta. In a highly polarised political climate, the government blames this on the Nationalist MEPs. The truth is that it is the government who is the real traitor of the Maltese people because notwithstanding all the resolutions on the state of democracy and the rule of law, it still digs its heels in and conveniently labels any criticism anti-patriotic.
I’m confident that if the government were to implement the recommendations of GRECO and the local public inquiries, introduce the Law on Unjustified Wealth, and stop attacking journalists and the judiciary, there would be much less need for turf battles.
Local and EU politics are strongly intertwined. It is therefore crucial that MEP candidates lend an attentive ear to the people, be vigilant about social injustices and be aware of the people’s expectations in order to serve as a bridge between the Maltese people and the European forum.
Malta has a small representation in the European Parliament, can we be influential?
The Nationalist Party never let the small size of our country impede it from having big dreams and acting to achieve them. It always believed in the capability and versatility of the Maltese people.
Maltese MEPs need to work tirelessly and diligently. We need to discuss during the early stages and definitely before votes are taken. We need to work as a team, to lobby with and acquire support from other countries and gain traction and leverage.
We need to keep in mind our national interests and present our case sensibly and in a manner that does not go against common EU policy. We need to invest our time in finding better ways of working together rather than throwing spanners in the wheels for the sake of self-aggrandisement or local political gain.
Why are you so motivated to stand as a member of the European Parliament?
It is super easy to be an armchair critic. Discussions about the current political situation over a drink or coffee in bars have become the norm. But very few seem prepared to put their money where their mouth is.
My heart had long been aching about the state of our democracy and the rule of law, the need to break the stigma against persons with invisible disabilities (one of whom is my son) and those with mental health problems and to legislate for the recognition and protection of their rights, and to address the urgent need to protect our physical and intangible environment.
Thus, after lengthy discussions with my family, I decided that I needed to contribute to bring about the change that I feel is sorely needed and long overdue. This is my motivation!

This article is part of a content series called Ewropej. This is a multi-newsroom initiative part-funded by the European Parliament to bring the work of the EP closer to the citizens of Malta and keep them informed about matters that affect their daily lives. This article reflects only the author’s view. The action was co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the European Parliament's grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action.