Before changing government, you have to change yourself | Adrian Delia
A year since his turbulent replacement as PN leader, ADRIAN DELIA shows no sign of bitterness or resentment over his own fall from power. But he warns that the Nationalist Party...
‘Pre-election budget?’ Absolutely not | Clyde Caruana
A budget which raises benefits instead of taxes is usually a sure-fire sign that an election is imminent. But Finance Minister CLYDE CARUANA dismisses the idea that Budget 2022 is...
‘Our industry has been made a sacrificial lamb’ | Howard Keith Debono

The Malta Entertainment Industry and Arts Association has existed for just over a year now: partly as a response to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic....

The Malta Entertainment Industry and Arts Association has...

Attitudes don’t change overnight | Cynthia Chircop

Reports of violent homophobia – such as the recent allegations of...

Reports of violent homophobia – such as the recent...

Malta’s film industry needs to prove itself | Martin Bonnici

It is both an exciting and a frustrating time to be involved in filmmaking in...

It is both an exciting and a frustrating time to be...

A Volt from the blue… | Arnas Lasys

As Malta’s youngest – and first openly pro-choice – party, Volt faces an uphill struggle to assert itself in the local political landscape....

As Malta’s youngest – and first openly...

A derogation too far? | Lucas Micallef

So far, Malta’s hunting community has successfully resisted most attempts – at local, and European level – to curb its excesses. But now,...

So far, Malta’s hunting community has successfully...

Setting the record straight | Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Former MP JEFFREY PULLICINO ORLANDO is certainly no stranger to controversy....

Former MP JEFFREY PULLICINO ORLANDO is certainly no...

From a ‘cage’, to a ‘gated community’ | Adrian Grima

The db project in Pembroke is about more than just the usual speculative...

The db project in Pembroke is about more than just the...

The ‘de-Caravaggisation’ of Caravaggio | Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci

Malta’s chosen entry for the 2022 Venice Biennale is a project called...

Malta’s chosen entry for the 2022 Venice Biennale is...

Beyond COVID-19: minister tasked with plan for ‘future-proof’ Malta

As minister for research and innovation, it will be Owen Bonnici to preside over a plan that addresses Malta’s post-COVID challenges

As minister for research and innovation, it will be Owen...

[WATCH] The cost of living is too high for our state of development | Marisa Xuereb

On Reno Bugeja Jistaqsi, Chamber of Commerce president Marisa Xuereb gives a sobering breakdown of Malta’s economic prospects, as the country gears...

On Reno Bugeja Jistaqsi, Chamber of Commerce president...

It’s never ‘too late’ to save Gozo | Julia Camilleri

This week heralded the emergence of ‘Ghawdix’: the first...

This week heralded the emergence of ‘Ghawdix’:...

The first war we lose, will be the last | EYAL SELA

Israel’s ambassador to Malta, EYAL SELA, strongly rebuts criticism that...

Israel’s ambassador to Malta, EYAL SELA, strongly...

The real problem is not Hamas, but the Israeli occupation | Fadi Hanania

Palestine’s ambassador to Malta, H.E. FADI HANANIA, admits to being frustrated by the international community’s 'double standards', in...

Palestine’s ambassador to Malta, H.E. FADI HANANIA,...

‘Political parties don’t care about women. They only care about themselves’ | Marlene Farrugia

In her own words, independent MP MARLENE FARRUGIA provoked a ‘tsunami of emotion’ this week with her private member’s bill to decriminsalise...

In her own words, independent MP MARLENE FARRUGIA provoked...

Evarist Bartolo: Labour needs an ‘act of contrition’

Malta’s outspoken Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo acknowledges that...

Malta’s outspoken Foreign Minister Evarist...

Satire is about ‘punching up’… not down | Matt Bonanno

For 10 years, Malta’s social media landscape has been graced by the comic...

For 10 years, Malta’s social media landscape has been...

Ħondoq ir-Rummien should return to ODZ, at all costs… | Paul Buttigieg

In a rare display of cross-party consensus, all 17 of Gozo’s Local Councils recently warned government about the dangers of ‘ruining’ the...

In a rare display of cross-party consensus, all 17 of...

‘We can’t go on like this’ | Astrid Vella

The Planning Authority is approving more development projects than ever before...

The Planning Authority is approving more development...