Video | Cyrus Engerer on Cyrusgate [Pt.1, 2, 3]
In the second and third part of his interview Cyrus Engerer tells MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan about the investigation he is facing, the media fallout stemming from the leak of his charges, and who knew about the allegations made against him.

Jien il-kumment tieghi lil Bubinu indirizzajtu ghax il-kummenti tieghu ma jtukx x'tifhem li mhux balalu.
Imma, Sur zlogic u proprju ghax int Logiku...kieku membru tal-PN, ikun min ikun, jakkuzawh li dahal bil-mohbi go dar, seraq ritratti u informazzjoni mill-kompjuter ta' haddiehor u baghathom lill-imghallem biex jikkomprometti lil dak li jkun......kieku INT, Sur Logc, kieku xi tghid? Tkun trifu ,. kieku wara biebek? Tista' taghmel bhalma jaghmluli l-ohraj: Tinjorani.

Sur Demartino ghaliex issa dan sar balalu? Meta kien mal PN QATT ma indirizzjatu hekk. Issa int wkoll waqajt fil mandra tal partit tieghek! Dien hi prova li tipruvaw taqbdu ma kull tibna forsi tahbu il hmieg tal li ta kull jum jizdied. Mela minn hu il balalu? Ara kieku baqa mal PN forsi kien jiqabghaq jitrafikka droga fejn skola u flok tfajtuh il habs bghatuh scholarship barra minn Malta minn fuq it taxxi li kissirtuna bijhom! Fuq dawn ilhnizrijiet ikteb! Imma forsi tibza ghax shabek stess jaqlawlek il mejtien mill qabar! Ahna riedu nkunu nafu il kaz ta diek il peruna fis skra tal Fujana.Ghal lum daqs hekk sur gharef.

Dan bilfors irid jirbah it-tazza ta' l-ikbar balalu li jezisti.

Ara x'qallek Gahan irrizenja Wenz..... ghax dawn bullijiet tafux kollha jirrizenjaw malli jiksru mqar difrejhom? dawn ta kuxjenza safja...HANQA oHra Gahan............
mela int ghawdxi habojb biex titkellem bil-farka...ha hoj
jaqaw ma ghadekx maghhom Gahan?

Irrizenja u NHEBA jekk ghad baqaghlek farka dekor.

Mr Balzan, perhaps these are the questions you should have asked...
1) How did he have the face to put forward a motion against the former mayor arguing that as he was under investigation he could not hold his position when he himself was under investigation?
2) How did he have the dishonesty to promote himself and accept the position of deputy mayor when he knew he was under investigation?
3) How did the party (PN) let him retain his position knowing he was under investigation whilst making such a big issue with other councillors in his position?
4) Who was protecting him?
And the list goes on and on...

The Godfather (1972): director Francis Ford Coppola based on the novel by Mario Puzo
The Godfather Part II (1974): director Francis Ford Coppola from a script co-written with Mario Puzo
The Godfather Part III (1990): director Francis Ford Coppola from a script written together with Mario Puzo
The Godfather Part IV (2011): director Edgar Galea Curmi from a script co-written with Marvic Camilleri and the Commissioner of Police and shot entirely on location in Malta at the Auberge de Castille, Mdina, Police HQ and Sliema front near Exiles pitch