Chris Said on IVF, gay unions and court appointments
Chris Said discusses a number of issues ranging from IVF to gay partnerships, from the minimum wage to the unemployed, from the appointment of judges to the powers of the attorney general.
Chris Said's political star has been rising constantly since the last election. Elected for the first time in parliament in 2008 Chris Said was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Public Dialogue and Information within the Office of the Prime Minister.
Barely two years into the legislature, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi entrusted Said with more responsibilities, including Consumer Affairs, Competition and Industrial Relations.
In January, Said was appointed minister. His portfolio now includes justice, social policy, the family and public dialogue. Isn't there too much on Said's plate?
"It is true that this is a big ministry but the issues involved are interrelated."
For example new laws regulating fostering and adoption necessarily involve both the social and legal arms of the government. The drug issue involves both Sedqa and the new drugs court. In all these issues according to Said it makes sense to create a synergy between the legal and the social aspect.
Read the full interview in tomorrow's edition of MaltaToday