From door to door | Robert Arrigo

Renowned for his prodigious house visits, Sliema Nationalist MP Robert Arrigo is confident about his party’s prospects, though he hopes the PN will manage to put on a more ‘human’ face in the near future

Sliema Nationalist MP Robert Arrigo
Sliema Nationalist MP Robert Arrigo

In April 2008, just one month after the general elections were won narrowly by the Nationalist Party, Sliema MP Robert Arrigo was knocking doors in the ninth and tenth electoral district.

In just over four years, Arrigo has managed an impressive 6,000 home visits... which literally puts to shame the Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's recent call to ministers and MPs to be closer to the people and visit their houses.

Asked about his reaction upon hearing the Prime Minister urge his MPs to visit families just after being reconfirmed as party leader in February, the Sliema entrepreneur said: "At that time I thought I could have made that speech myself because every few months I give the Prime Minister a rundown of my findings on the ground."

"It's useful information for him, crude information. I don't tell you what you want to hear, I only tell you what it is. I have the whole picture, he has the whole picture and then he decides what to do with it," he says.

Too little, too late? Arrigo disagrees, because "it's never too late. It could have been done before, but the Prime Minister was occupied with the Libya situation which changed the agenda as he did go into it with heart and soul. I have the impression that had it not been for Libya he would have done it before".

Read the full interview in MaltaToday


@ xifajk Qed tipprieddka ghal dawk li jibilghu kollox....., is-soltu
Mhux ta b'xejn Gonzipn ma hatrikx ministru.
First there was Austin Gatt, then we had Tonio Fenech now it is Robert Arrigo all saying that gonzipn will win again. It is a tatic in order to boost the moral of the disenchanted supporters, the sidelined ones and also the forgotten ones.
What a lot of trap. The Libyan saga did not give gonzi time with the people, go tell it to you silly sliema conmstituents Robert. Do you think running for elections is like running the football league. I wouldn't be surprised as a lot of us know what it takes to win the league.
Dejjem b’xi skuza banali dawn in-Nazzjonalisti. Il-Prim Ministru kien okkupat bil-gwerra fil-Libja qal l-Onor Arrigo. Mela huwa kien qed jippjana din il-gwerra? Jaqaw kien qed jaghti pariri lin-NATO kif ghandhom iffarku lil-Libja, jew ghalhekk mar hemm biex ipingi fejn huma l-istalazzjonijiet militari u strategici? Mela il-gwerra fil-Libja mhux l-ahhar sena kienet, u it-tlett snin l-ohra x’ kien qed jaghmel? Hon Arrigo tridx thallina u tkomplux iddahkuna. Gonzi ghamel partita zbalji kardinali fosthom meta mar jivvota kontra ir-rieda tal-maggoranza tal-poplu, sploda il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma, ha minn wara dar il-poplu €500 fil-gimgha, id-decizjoni tal-BWSC u ma hax il-parir tal-partit laburista biex flok HFO imorru ghal gass u wara lis-sparpaljar ta miljuni ergajna sejrin nofqu aktar biex issa ha jmorru ghal gass. Kjus ghal operazzjonijiet u anki biex semplici taghmel semplici test ghandek sena tistenna. Wara dawn il-buzzulotti kollha hemm il-faqar li gibtu lil-poplu fih. Id-dejn u id-deficit rekord li inthom fil-gvern ghamiltu, u wara dan kollu ha thallu il-pajjiz f’xifer l-irdum bi sturdament ghal mewt.
Luke Camilleri
Human face for the PN? Isn't that asking too much? All the PN puts on is a Pre and Post Electoral mask.... and YOU Mr. Arrigo have first hand experience how your ideas were not even considered and given the back-bench treatment for FOUR years buy the GonziPN OLIGARCHY!