Greenpeace, WWF say Libyan boats left Malta for illegal tuna fishing

Greenpeace, WWF demand international community action by suspending 2011 bluefin tuna fishing season

International conservation organisations WWF and Greenpeace have called for the forthcoming industrial purse-seine bluefin tuna fishing season in the Mediterranean Sea to be suspended.

“There are reports that several Libyan vessels, legally unauthorized to fish for bluefin, have left Malta bound for Libyan waters. Greenpeace and WWF share the belief that ICCAT member states should have prevented their departure,” WWF spokesperson Gemma Parkes said.

Both organisations said ten Libyan-flagged purse seine fishing vessels are owned by French interests, while other illegal Libyan vessels are ready to set sail for the Libyan fishing zone from European ports in France (Sète) and Malta.

The groups have sent an urgent request to members of the organisation meant to manage the fishery – the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). 

The call follows a late intervention from Libya that it will now allow fishing in its waters despite having no agreed fishing plan for the season. This would make any fishing activity by Libyan fleets illegal, according to ICCAT rules.

The demands from the two groups follow Libya’s announcement that it will engage in illegal fishing for bluefin tuna this year, ignoring ICCAT’s request to avoid tuna fishing in Libyan waters, as the current political situation there would make monitoring and enforcement of fishing activities impossible.

“It would be even more scandalous that in the current difficult situation affecting Libya, French interests would benefit from access to the fishing resources in Libyan waters,” said Sebastian Losada, Greenpeace International oceans policy advisor. “The international community is responsible, more than ever, for the conservation of those resources for future generations.”

“Given that illegal Libyan vessels are ready to set sail from France and Malta if not stopped in their tracks, European Union institutions also bear a significant responsibility to ensure this year’s purse seine fishing season is closed,” said Dr Sergi Tudela, head of fisheries at WWF Mediterranean.

“Unless members of ICCAT take urgent action they will appear more determined than ever to undermine the management plans that at best will give Mediterranean bluefin a few years to survive,” said Sebastian Losada.

“If we want bluefin tomorrow, ICCAT must control the fishery – this is currently impossible in Libyan waters. This means ICCAT member countries must agree to suspend the fishery to protect their own plans to recover the species.”

“Tough times require tough measures,” Tudela said. “The painstaking and fragile achievements of the last years are endangered by the maverick attitude of a small minority. Responsible members of ICCAT must rally to do what is necessary to save this species and fishery. Only vigorous action now can prevent Atlantic bluefin tuna from plunging into a new Dark Age before it has even emerged from the last one.”

Hypocrites! The French are fighting for the liberty of Libyans on one side and using Gaddafi's flag to persue their illegal fishing interests! Viva il-Gahan Malti l-aktar dak ta bla teba u li jahseb li hu 'politically correct'!