Adrian Delia wants parliament to suspend agenda after building collapse tragedy
The Opposition leader asks Parliament to hold a special session after Miriam Pace died buried under the debris of her own house

Updated 2:45 pm
Adrian Delia has asked the Speaker to postpone this evening’s parliamentary agenda and hold a special session to discuss the building tragedy that claimed a woman’s life.
The Opposition leader said the House should hold a debate and adjourn early to pay its respects to Miriam Pace, the 54-year-old woman who died in a house collapse on Monday.
“At a delicate time characterised by sadness and anger, Parliament has to send a strong sign that MPs are ready to take this tragedy seriously, and introduce true reforms that ensure safety and peace of mind, and strong enforcement,” Delia said.
He added that Pace’s death must not be forgotten and politicians had a duty to ensure that no more lives were lost.
Speaker’s statement
In a statement, speaker of the house Anglu Farrugia said that tonight’s parliamentary session, will be a short one, and dedicated to the Miriam Pace, the victim of the Hamrun building collapse.
Only a statement by Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition leader Adrian Delia will be read out, with no parliamentary questions taking place.
Parliament will then adjourn as a sign of respect towards the Pace family.