Coronavirus live blog | Thursday 12 March
With new information coming out on an hourly basis, here’s everything you need to know about what went on today

Further revelations surrounding the Covid-19 virus were unveiled on Thursday. Here is MaltaToday's guide to what went on:
Government announces closure of all educational institutions
All primary, secondary, post-secondary, and tertiary institutions will be closed, with the measure also applying to child care centres. Measure to be revised next week.
Political events cancelled.
Masses and functions cancelled
All daily and Sunday masses, as well as religious functions including funerals and weddings will be cancelled.
In the case of funerals, priests will conduct rite of blessing at the cemetery in the presence of close relatives.
Public transport customers to produce exact change
Customers buying cash tickets on the bus will have to produce exact change. To avoid handling of money, drivers will under no circumstance be able to give change.
Elderly enrolled within the POYC scheme to receive two-month medicine stock
140,000 elderly persons enrolled within the Pharmacy of Your Choice scheme to receive two-month stock of medicine. Medicine can be either picked up by a relative or delivered.
Matsec announces suspension of listening comprehensions, oral examinations and PE physical tests
Matsec has announced the indefinite suspension of advanced and intermediate oral examinations, listening comprehensions and physical education practical tests.
Football matches to be played behind closed doors
Premier, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Division football will be played behind closed doors, as MFA follows the steps of its European counterparts.
Repatriation flights organised by national airline
Air Malta said that it is assisting the government to organise flights to bring home Maltese nationals and residents caught abroad following the travel ban to affected countries.
Private schools first to close down for March
St Edward’s and St Martin’s colleges, and San Anton school among first schools to announce temporary shut-down for Covid-19 containment
Health authorities announce two new cases – a 29-year-old man who developed symptoms after returning to Malta from Belgium, and a 26-year-old woman who developed symptoms in Amsterdam and returned to Malta.