Coronavirus: Detox patients to continue receiving treatment

The Substance Misuse Out-Patients Unit says that it has adopted new measures which would allow it to continue rendering its services while not posing any risk to its patients and workers

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Services for detox patients will continue, as the Substance Misuse Out-Patients Unit has adopted new measures which protect both workers and recovering addicts.

A statement by the unit said that the employee rosters have been divided in two, with both sets of workers not coming in contact with each other due to differing dates in shifts.

“This measure has been adopted due to the fact that if one employee comes in contact with an infected person, all of the workers will be forced to go into quarantine,” he said.

The foundation also ensured people that the dissemination of methadone at detox centres is completely safe as it is handed out from behind a glass pane.

“Nobody will be allowed to enter the building, except for emergency cases,” the foundation said.

Follow-up appointments, as well as visits by doctors at rehabilitation centres including the Santa Marija Community and at the Caritas centre have been postponed.

The foundation also called on people to abide by directives issued by health authorities.