[WATCH] Malta registers five new cases bringing total to 134, condition of man in ITU has improved
Coronavirus Malta | 5 new cases • 134 total • 33 kept at hospitals • Rest are recovering at home • 2 fully recovered

Malta has recorded five new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total to 134, Public Health Superintendent Charmaine Gauci said.
Three of the new cases were contracted abroad and two were local transmission. The 61-year-old who was recovering at hospital's Intensive Therapy Unit has improved and is doing well, Gauci said.
Malta has, so far, not registered any deaths.
She reiterated that people should avoid any gatherings, including family gatherings, to help curb the spread.
Gauci said 14 patients were being held at Mater Dei Hospital's Infectious Diseases Unit, 18 were being held at a private hospital and one was still in the ITU. The rest of the patients recorded as positive are at home and being followed by doctors. So far, only two patients have fully recovered.