Three more people have recovered from coronavirus
The total number of people who have fully recovered from Covid-19 is five, including a 12-year-old girl • Chris Fearne urges people to remain disciplined

There was some good news on Sunday evening as Health Minister Chris Fearne announced that three more people had fully recovered from the coronavirus.
This means that five people in all have recovered from the virus since the outbreak started in Malta on 7 March.
The three cases, include a 12-year-old girl, who was the first to be diagnosed with Covid-19.
People are declared to be fully recovered when having two negative tests in 24 hours.
The news was given on Sunday evening in a press conference during which it was announced that the migrant open centre at Hal Far was place under quarantine after eight positive cases were recorded.
Asked about what appears to be conflicting advice being given by the Prime Minister and the health authorities on whether people should go out for walks in the countryside, Fearne said that there was no rift in government.
“The direction is clear: people who do not have to go out, shouldn’t go out. The advice is for people over 65 and those who are vulnerable to stay at home. However, it is also essential that people stay healthy and exercise at home. Those who cannot exercise at home, can go out for a walk but use common sense and avoid crowds. The rules of social distancing still apply and people cannot gather in groups of more than three,” Fearne said, clarifying the comments made by Prime Minister Robert Abela in the morning.
Fearne appealed to everyone to remain disciplined. “We have managed to control the virus so far but we must remain with our feet to the ground. We have to remain disciplined because if we lose discipline we will lose control of the situation,” he warned.
READ ALSO: Coronavirus situation remains under control, still not time to relax measures, PM says