Justice Minister meets with Repubblika to discuss judicial appointments
Repubblika will prepare a summary of its position with regard to judicial appointments and has asked for a copy of the reforms that the government intends to carry out

A delegation from the civil society organisation, Repubblika, met with Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis at the latter’s behest on Tuesday.
Last week, the government announced in parliament that it had agreed on a package of reforms with the Opposition. The details have not yet been made public as they will first be put to the Venice Commission for consideration.
READ ALSO: Government, Opposition agree on judicial reforms
“Repubblika reminded the minister that it is anxious to see a reform regarding the way the members of the judiciary are appointed,” Repubblika said in a statement on Tuesday.
The NGO said that it welcomed the government’s move to first obtain formal agreement in writing from the Venice Commission before proposing the constitutional amendments in parliament.
“The discussion should include civil society under the free scrutiny of the press,” Repubblika said, adding that this was also recommended by the Commission and does not simply apply to judicial appoints but to other necessary structural and constitutional reforms.
Following the meeting with the minister and as requested by him, Repubblika will now prepare a summary of its position with regard to judicial appointments.
“In the interest of the reform obtaining a successful outcome and a wide consensus, Repubblika asked the minister to give it a copy of the reforms that the government intends to carry out before these are sent to the Venice Commission for its consideration.
“[This] in order that Repubblika and all Maltese civil society may be able to express their views with regard to these reforms while there is still time for improvement,” the NGO said.
🇪🇺 Today I wrote to #Malta MoJ @ZammitLewisEdw to welcome his government’s commitment to reform on independence of judiciary and a separate prosecution service in line with #VeniceCommission recommendations and the #EUCountrySpecificRecommandation #Justice @EU_Commission pic.twitter.com/iSnerHndGw
— didier reynders (@dreynders) April 7, 2020
On Tuesday evening, EU Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders tweeted that he welcomed the government's commitment to put into place reforms in line with the Venice Commission's recommendation.